Active member
Recently been getting into home recording and have had some wonderful help from the people on this forum, who are extremely welcoming to noobs like me!
So, I have this very edge case of wanting to ReAmp effects pedals, but rather old ones like fuzz and boosts that have a lower input impedance and really don't play nice with a buffer in front of them, and was trying to find a way to make a small versatile box that I could put in front of them to give me more options on pedal chain placement and a way they could sound a little bit better with DI out of the audio interface so have cobbled together this "Buffer Be Nice" circuit and could really do with someone smarter than me pointing out my errors, and explaining why its a terrible idea!
(oh, should probably explain, my thinking, simple jfet buffer into a tapped transformer to emulate a pickups and a simple tone and volume control)

Recently been getting into home recording and have had some wonderful help from the people on this forum, who are extremely welcoming to noobs like me!
So, I have this very edge case of wanting to ReAmp effects pedals, but rather old ones like fuzz and boosts that have a lower input impedance and really don't play nice with a buffer in front of them, and was trying to find a way to make a small versatile box that I could put in front of them to give me more options on pedal chain placement and a way they could sound a little bit better with DI out of the audio interface so have cobbled together this "Buffer Be Nice" circuit and could really do with someone smarter than me pointing out my errors, and explaining why its a terrible idea!
(oh, should probably explain, my thinking, simple jfet buffer into a tapped transformer to emulate a pickups and a simple tone and volume control)