Could I Use A Carnhill Output Transformer On JLM 99?

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Well-known member
Jun 5, 2004
I've been using my JLM 99 for a while now, they are that good i never really finished the case and just got on with recording with them. I thought i may as well add an output transformer to finish the job, i know JLM sells an output transformer but being in the UK i can buy the Carnhill ones. Which one would you use and should it work o.k? Or is it best to go with the JLM?
Vikki(uk) :grin:
Vikki, try Audiomaintenance here

They have them in stock with very good prices. Email Colin for quote.

I think no body got the point here......
hich one would you use and should it work o.k? Or is it best to go with the JLM?

he is not asking:"where can i buy them"?

After my little knowledge you can' least those carhill aren't made the same way those JLM111 are done. those JLM111 were done to use with API style or NEve style....but not Carnhill.
Unless i'm very wrong....


BTW you could use Cinemag or something similar too...
[quote author="3nity"]I think no body got the point here......
hich one would you use and should it work o.k? Or is it best to go with the JLM?

he is not asking:"where can i buy them"?

After my little knowledge you can' least those carhill aren't made the same way those JLM111 are done. those JLM111 were done to use with API style or NEve style....but not Carnhill.
Unless i'm very wrong....


BTW you could use Cinemag or something similar too...[/quote]


Read the second message. The vtb9049 is considered OK here. Also Vikki is asking about Carnhill probably because its in England (so is Sowter Vikki).

She is looking for an output Xfr. The JLM111DC can be used in lieu of Neve L01166 which in turn is the Carnhill vtb9049.

I gave her a link to get best prices on Carnhill (better than direct unless you groupbuy, and we know where that goes sometimes).

There are Cinemag, Jensen, Lundhal as other choices as well. For Vikki, Sowter or Carnhill are probably the best choice as they are in her area.

O.k thanks....
The reason i was asking about Carnhill is Audio Maintanance is not too far from here 15 to 20 miles or so. I was thinking of trying to build one or a pair of (Neves which one i don't know) the Neve numbers seem to beat me, may be i will go with the JLM ones and take the easy option. And to make the JLM 99's complete i was going to add the output transformers, i don't know how much bearing the output Tx have on the sound?
Great Info
Vikki(uk) :thumb: :grin:
Hi Vikki,

there is a certain mystique about using transformers. The reason transformers were used in the first place is to isolate one circuit from another as well as change levels and impedances.

Like the tube distortion that most guitar players love it was accidental that along with that came a sometimes pleasant distortion.

If you want to "hear" what a transformer does you are better off with Carnhill as most other brands will be more subtle. "You may not like what a transformer does to the sound so try 1 to start.

Personnally I love the sound of transformers. Its a great complement to other preamps that are transformerless. Its just another sound/flavour/taste. Like loving my Fender Strat but also loving my Tele because it gives me something the Strat doesn't/

If you live that close to Audiomaintenance get one of the Carnhills from Colin. If you don't like it there is always someone from here that will buy it from you.

Also you can try the JLM 1290 kit or you can build a 1290 from a board (I just bought 2 so let me know if you need info) sold on Prodigy. Whats nice about JLM's is its a full kit, otherwise you have to buy parts on your own.

Have fun Vikki


There have been many posts here comparing and contrasting sound of the original LO1166 to the various models inspired by it, including Carnhill, Sowter, and JLM. Just search for the model numbers in question. The JLM is spoken very highly of, a safe bet.

If you like the sound of the 99V output-transformerless, just insert a switched jack between the output and the output transformer (which ever you decide on). That way you have the option to use the output transformer or not. I try to do this will all the mic pres I build, where the design allows, obviously the 1272-style is out of the question since the B+ flows through the primary winding.
Ok Many Thanks
I'll order a transformer and see how we go, thanks very much for your help.
Vikki(uk) :thumb:

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