hugo said:Hi,
I did not find any neon at my component local shop. I think about replacing with 1n53648 (2 per channel in serie).Is it ok ?
Paperweight said:From the back of the pot with lugs pointing up, you solder the shield wire to the left solder lug only. Grounding the shield to the back of the pot housing will create a ground loop and hum. If you start adding in other ground points around the chassis, you're gonna have a bad time tracking down where the overall noise is coming from. The shield should only be grounded at one end. The circuit board is grounded via the star ground which is connected to pin 1 on the Molex. This is where you want the other end of your shield connected. Once the Molex male connector is soldered to the board, it's hard to determine which is pin 1. Use a VOM to check for continuity between the individual pins and ground for that particular board section if you haven't grounded everything to the star ground already. Of course, the pin with the lowest resistance between itself to ground is pin 1 where your shield should be connected.
It might be a good idea to clean off any finish around the hole in the front panel, if applicable. That way, the housing of your pot is shielded already. I used to have the habit of using the back of the pots as a ground bus when I built tube guitar amps. Best practice is to have everything in the circuit grounded to a single solitary ground point. Merlin Blencowe has some really good pointers on grounding.
Paperweight said:Several pages back, someone asked if their transformer primary wiring diagram was correct for 115-120 volt mains. You were insistent that they reverse the yellow and white wire connections for the live and neutral. Assuming the diagram wasn't altered after the fact, the two white wires should go to live and the two yellow wires get connected to neutral. Let me know if this is correct. Hardly any mention has been made of this. To add to the confusion, the US 120 volt wiring standard uses white as neutral. Not sure if this should be made an addendum to the front page.
No. I only sell the PCB and Power Transformer.ostudio said:Ahhh this kit looks very interesting! any possibility to purchase a complete kit?
ENS Audio said:Here are some voltages I'm getting from the listed components as follows:
NE1 = 60V
Left channel TB4 I am getting 26V on pin 5 to GND
Right channel TB4 I am getting 7.16V on pin 5 to GND
Seems the Right channel is getting less volts on the listed components, everything on the heaters and sockets looks good.
Where should I start looking next?
[silent:arts] said:Measuring in circuit ...
Look at the schematic: at least R111 + R110 is paralleled. Next to many other components.
Paperweight said:![]()
The best thing to do is get one of the bolt on heatsinks and an isolation kit for mounting the regulator. You can use grease or a piece of thermal interface material to mount the heatsink to the chassis.
bernbrue said:Grounding issue. Take a line level instrument for testing the compressor.