So someone sent a nice old u-67 flying and the resultant impact did a number on the capsule mount. I've had success with repairing it (for now), but damn if there's one little bit that I am lost on its proper orientation. As the unit was falling apart when I removed it, I wasn't able to really ascertain the original placement. It's the little 6mm by 4mm rectangular piece that has a 90 degree bend on one end and a hole in the middle. I haven't actually taken these apart fully before, so if anybody has an exploded diagram of this it would be a lifesaver. Mine and the employee responsible!
Edit: Well, the other 67 just came out of session, and taking it apart reveals no such part immediately visible. I swear this thing fell out when I pulled the mount out of the head...am I losing my mind? I'm hoping somebody has dissected these before and might know.
Edit: Well, the other 67 just came out of session, and taking it apart reveals no such part immediately visible. I swear this thing fell out when I pulled the mount out of the head...am I losing my mind? I'm hoping somebody has dissected these before and might know.