Well-known member
This is what happens when i get bored and have some free time, something i thought some of you might find interesting. I build alot of weird guitar effects boxes, pedals, along with lots of studio gear im always tinkering with something, this started out as a matchless DC30 preamp stage in a guitar pedal, 300v transformer, ef86 tube etc. sounded pretty cool was running it into a serial effects line return of a marshall jtm60. Anyway got bored with it and had some spare parts laying around so i wired in a cinemag cm2480 backwards as a mic input transformer and have just a capacitor output. The only mic i had laying around was a sm57 next to me so i ran some acoustic guitar to it just see how it would sound, not to bad! im sure if i tweaked the circuit from guitar preamp oriented a little more towards mic pre amp i could get some nice sounds out of it, this was pretty much all spare parts. since a picture is a thousand words here is some pictures and 2 sound samples of it. The first one is dry, just the unprocessed acoustic, the second has a little compression and reverb and eq on it, see what ya think would love to hear some feedback!
unprocessed file
processed file
unprocessed file
processed file