Dept. Of Commerce Limiters family

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Well-known member
Dec 10, 2012

I've just decided to start a topic about that big range of tube limiters because what can be found on the net is hmm... very frustrating. Few Youtube videos or guy selling reprint copies of operation manuals.

Here in Europe, it could be quite complicated to find some info about these beasts. In addition, I have to service a CA-1322 but I couldn't find a damn thing about this one...

Here what I suggest : This could be a big meta-topic with people sharing technical docs and pictures of various models of these limiters. Every correction is welcome.

Here we go:

As far as I know, these limiters, or "Regulated Output Amplifiers" were based on specifications sheets issued by the Government for Dept. of Commerce or Federal Aviation Agency, and were manufactured by several factories :

Tri-Tronics Laboratory Inc.
Maxson Instruments
Hazeltine Corporation
Televiso Electronics

Models manufactured

The one that I need to repair. Fitted with two 6L7, a 6SL7, a 6SN7, a 6H6 and a 5Y3GT.


Couldn't find much more info about that one, it was built by Maxson.

I only know this one because there is an auction for a reprint of the original operation manual issued by Columbus.

Schematics attached

Manufactured by Hazeltine. Has a microphone input and was fitted with five tubes.

Put a link to this thread because this is where original docs were posted, as I don't want to "re-use" it on this forum without permission

I've just started to collect pictures so at that time there are only links to other web pages.


  • CA-1589 Schematics.jpg
    CA-1589 Schematics.jpg
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I know and I put some links in the post. I will add docs that I have as soon as possible, but I just wanted to launch something like a big reference thread for these limiters.

If you tell me "Except what you can found on the forum, there is nothing more laying around", that's right, this topic is already useless  :-\
I have two CA-1322 at my shop.  Both made by "National Electrical Machine Shops" in Maryland, serial numbers 13 (green front panel) and 152 (black).  I do not have a schematic for them.

I have an original manual for the CA-594 made by Presto Recording Corporation in 1942.  It also uses octal tubes.  Very large PDF available if you PM me.

Also an original CA-1604 equalizer manual from Hazeltine, 1956.  Passive EQ to go with the CA limiters and preamps.  Also large PDF.

I traced out the circuit of the Maguire CA-1224 tube clipper that I serviced for a client, hand-drawn schematic attached.

Coincidentally, I was working on two Maxson limiters today, CA-1589 serial #7, and CA-1589A serial #2123, both from the same contract number and dated April and November of 1957 respectively.  So there must have been a ton of these around back in the day!


  • CA-1224.pdf
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Still hoping to find someone out there with a FA-5424 Regulated Output Amplifier (limiter) like mine. They are in the same "family" as the CA-xxxx models. I'll gladly post any info that I come across. I'll try to attach a picture of my unit .



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Here's a Maxson CA-1589 I worked on recently:

full size here


Je viens de décider de lancer un sujet sur cette large gamme de limiteurs à lampes car ce que l'on peut trouver sur le net est hmm... très frustrant. Peu de vidéos Youtube ou de gars vendant des copies de réimpression de manuels d'utilisation.

Ici en Europe, il pourrait être assez compliqué de trouver des infos sur ces bêtes. De plus, je dois entretenir un CA-1322 mais je n'ai rien trouvé sur celui-ci...

Voici ce que je suggère : Cela pourrait être un gros méta-sujet avec des personnes partageant des docs techniques et des photos de divers modèles de ces limiteurs. Chaque correction est la bienvenue.

Nous y voilà:

Autant que je sache, ces limiteurs, ou "amplificateurs de sortie régulés" étaient basés sur des fiches techniques émises par le gouvernement pour le ministère du Commerce ou la Federal Aviation Agency, et étaient fabriqués par plusieurs usines :

Laboratoire Tri-Tronics inc.
Instruments Maxson
Hazeltine Corporation
Télévision Électronique

Modèles fabriqués

Celui que je dois réparer. Équipé de deux 6L7, un 6SL7, un 6SN7, un 6H6 et un 5Y3GT.


Je n'ai pas trouvé beaucoup plus d'informations à ce sujet, il a été intégré par Maxson.

Je ne connais celui-ci que parce qu'il y a une vente aux enchères pour une réimpression du manuel d'utilisation original publié par Columbus.

Schémas joints

Fabriqué par Hazeltine. Possède une entrée micro et était équipée de cinq tubes.

Mettez un lien vers ce fil car c'est là que les documents originaux ont été publiés, car je ne veux pas le "réutiliser" sur ce forum sans autorisation
Federal FA-5238 (Dept of Commerce Limiter)

Je viens juste de commencer à collecter des images, donc à ce moment-là, il n'y a que des liens vers d'autres pages Web.

Bonjour, j'ai un amplificateur de sortie régulateur Columbus 1529, voir les photos ! J'ai besoin de changer la tension d'alimentation pour 220V savez-vous que c'est les puissances secondaires?


  • Columbus regulated output amplifier 1529.jpg
    Columbus regulated output amplifier 1529.jpg
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Hello everybody

I know it is an old thread but any chance to get a copy of the PDF for CA-1604 passive equalizer?

Greatly appreciated
Resurrecting this thread. I just bought a Teleregister Corporation peak clipping amplifier. Made for Dept of Commerce, Civil Aeronautics Administration under contract CCA 26540. It's a six channel tube limiter, pretty crazy. Has four 6SAN7, a 5Y3 rectifier, and I can't tell what the other tubes are (haven't received it yet). Also appears to have six output transformers made by Ferranti Electric. Has anyone ever heard of this thing? I'd LOVE to find a schematic and manual for it. So far my internet searches have been unsuccessful.s-l1600 (1).jpg
s-l1600 (5).jpg
Re: the last two posters that are just posting BS they found on reverb and ebay. Nobody cares. That's not what any of us are focused on or are talking about. You are finding junk on the internet that people passed up, its cool it you are excited but everybody has seen them and theres no reason to post pictures on here like you found something unique
Be nicer....

I'm not meaning to be a meanie or a downer! It's just silly for someone to buy a $500 green limiter that's been online for like a year and then post it here. I'm more for the unique and rare finds, not ebay and reverb where every single piece of warehouse junk is put up for sale ::my bad::
Sounds like you are repeating yourself, so I will repeat myself... be nice.
The value of such old gear is subjective. Coincidentally years ago I had a bit of a debate with Doug about the value of old tired piece of Western Electric rack mount gear (some of my father's old basement rack gear from before I was born). To resolve the dispute about what it was worth I shipped it to Doug for him to prove the value by selling it. I paid for the not insignificant shipping cost to get it to Doug. The sales proceeds were donated to Ethan to help keep this forum's lights on.

I don't recall the final details but Doug sold it for far more than I ever thought it was worth. Since then I do not question him about what he thinks some gear is worth.

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Hello everyone!
Resurrecting an old thread because I'm about to get into a CA-1352A and was hoping to find a schematic for it. I've searched the web, and some of the usual places but have come up short. Would anyone have a schematic for the CA-1352A that they'd be willing to share? It seems like there's a lot of variations. Looking at the CA1589, it seems like there are some differences to be noted.
@mjrippe, would you happen to have any info? Many thanks, cheers everyone!

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