Who is Eliza?
I met Eliza in her preteen years. She looked like a TeleType but really lived in a mainframe. She was a better conversationalist than most people I knew.
Eliza: Hello. I am ELIZA. How can I help you?
You: I need a good BJT for an opamp.
Eliza: Why do you want a good bjt for an opamp?
You: So that my clients will love me.
Eliza: Why do you say your clients will love you?
You: The sound will be wonderful.
Eliza: Please go on.
You: Harmonious and powerful.
Eliza: Please go on.
You: And there is another thing....
Eliza: Please go on.
You: I hate mice in my gear rack. +/-60V will kill the little pests.
Eliza: Why do you say your gear rack 60v will kill the little pests?
You: Edison proved it, to spite Westinghouse.
Eliza: Please go on.
As you see, she has stock phrases. This version uses "Please go on." a lot; Samuel has met her when "Tell me more!" was a favorite conversational tidbit. Eliza has a brother who pretends to be a psychotherapist.
ELIZA--A Computer Program For the Study of Natural Language Communication Between Man and Machine