K47 came in and is installed. If both capsules are the same, then the circuitry truely influences the sound because this last U47 inspiration sounds even bigger than the one featured in the audio sample I gave. Any tube mic I am building going forward will be active loaded. I think it allows the tube to sound better for a wider part of the dynamic range before all hell breaks loose...some may get what I'm trying to say, lol.
Space is tight in the TLM style case so I'm waiting on one of those usual midget sized transformers they normally offer for mics. I hope it fits.
I ended up building more microphones than I had planned, and at this point I have a couple capsules, to play with in the K47, K87 and edge terminated style, here and on the way. Also three more mic bodies on the way along with misc stuff like screws ( I buy the kits with all sizes, hate when I need something and I don't have it...I don't play that game, hahaha). More pics to come.