I know the devices you are talking about, and I used them back in the studio frequently, those are good boxes, but that's not what the OP is asking for, he actually stated he didn't need a dummy load
"I am looking to build my own DI box for capturing the direct signal of my amps. A dummy load is not needed, as my plan would be to leave the cab connected using a through output"
Any of the 4 boxes I mentioned earlier will do exactly what the OP wants for less money than trying to build your own box
I understand the need to record straight from the speaker out, first reason is not all amps have a DI out, then in a lot of amps that actually have a DI out the DI output signal is taken from after the preamp stage so you don't have the sound of the power amp.
Basically with a DI box that accepts speaker level you can use it with any amplifier and you have the sound of the Preamp+Power Amp, just without the speaker. As I told previously I like it a lot on Bass guitar and have been doing that for years