DIY fader automation interest ?

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tskguy said:

Yes please continue!! Jeff's initial release is only VCA and not motorized.. I am sure you can to the table first with a motorized solution.


Hi Eric
Of course I continue, I won't stop two years of work  ;)
Dude, I'm in for 40 channels. I decided I can at least buy the pcbs even if I won't be able to afford the faders for some time.
gato said:
Dude, I'm in for 40 channels. I decided I can at least buy the pcbs even if I won't be able to afford the faders for some time.

Hi Gato
As the system (for now) use MCU protocol you are limited to 32 fader
Hi all

Little update  ;)

16 TKD fader on the way... I will tell more in 8-10 weeks.
It let me time to complete 8 channel built (mechanic and pcb) and put the fader in as soon as I got them  8)

Hi all

Some update:

-I'm expecting some delay with TKD delivery, more about end of May...

-all other parts for 8 fader pack are now at home or in the way to, meaning I just hit the 4k invest for this R&D (but including 8 spare fader and 2  front panel... for the second 8fader pack)

good new is:
-I study RTP-Midi since time now, compatible ethernet board are on the way too, expecting some improvement with communication and timing with "true" real time :)
I first look at OSC few month ago, but now I think RTP-Midi is the way to go, we will see !
-I'm also starting to study CTRLR for a plugin (VST/AU). First build, basic fader+mute work somehow!!!, but it's just the beginning...I will need time for this I think.

Both implementation put together (RTP-Midi + plugin), if working, should run way more than MCU/HUI 32faders...

desperately waiting for the most important part...the fader  :-\



  • ready.JPG
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Few side notes.

-RTP-midi ethernet pcb is currently evaluated :)

-I burn LOT of motor driver transistor this w-e, and discover all broken one come from the same batch from Reichelt...
I think what's labelled is not what's inside...I just place order at RS which I feel better about potential counterfeit component.

-I use some spare time to mod the DAC used for first prototype to now drive my VCA rack, work great, with MIOS too, perfectly scaled with the mapping tool... I can use motor fader across VCA and group them with accurate matching, will be fine for my stereo channel.



Thanks to all of you.

Two bad

I perform some test after software reconfiguration to run the thing  over RTP-midi, so far it work great.
Which mean I think this solution is great and will be retained as possible option (over USB) for ppl who want/can afford the extra cost.
KissBox RTP-midi OEM CPU board used here, SPI connection with MidiBox world.

Since previous video teaser, which is without audio passing though, I complete the build and connect audio.
Look fine except some PSU/digital noise at left hand module where all system wire run close in the frame, just need better isolation or to find another road for them, should be easy.
The main and BIG issue, is that I just got a batch (16 faders) with wrong audio taper log curve. Discovered when finally connect the audio after fixing the dozens burned transistors driving the motor (I believe fake component)
I don't know when they will replace them, already wait 12weeks for those, and I have a big summer coming with a relocation of the studio.

It's difficult to stay calm...

Hope I'll find some spare time this summer to finish the rev 2 pcb, probably a 4 layer for main pcb, will be way easy to solve some small design issue (corrected with rework and wire now, not so clean..).
I need them anyway for my second fader pack (first pcb batch made only for 8 ) I will then ask here or at a new  feeler tread for small run if interest remain.

By the way, are you guys afraid with SMD soldering ? SSOP/SOIC, pitch 1.27, the DAC is already only available in SOIC20, so I'm thinking to put all IC surface mount.

I think SMD is doable, been testing stuff with success over here. easier to do with solder paste stencils. I use a small conventional oven that I measured the temp raise / fall of.


audiomixer said:
I think SMD is doable, been testing stuff with success over here. easier to do with solder paste stencils. I use a small conventional oven that I measured the temp raise / fall of.



Hi Michael

Tks for your input, I also have success with SOIC 1.27 pitch for this project, two time, for standard midibox CV pcb and for my design.
That's why I have in mind to maybe use SMD for all other, the 8ch ADC and 16 shift register (128 digital I/O), I will keep resistor, capacitor and connector TH.
One advantage is that it will for sure give me more room, for optional line receiver fitted at the 89InouT PCB (in place of separate pcb) also to update the connector layout which have to be changed/corrected.
I will give a try, at least for the PCB design, we will see for manufacturing.


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