DIY usb recording interface....

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I would like to know if there are any designs or ideas of how to diy a computer recording interface using usb.

these are the features i'd like:

1. 2 microphone inputs. ( doesnt need phantom as i have an external console for that)

2. decent sound quality.

3. capability to monitor as well without much latency?

is it possible to do this?
Yes, TI make a suitable chip which has a datasheet with designs which you can look at on the net.

Someone else described one here.

I'd maybe take a cheap stereo audio interface and build it into a housing with extra features instead.
TI have a chip usb , ADC and DAC with spdif. it even have volume digital buttons . I can´t remember if is posible to monitore it and record at the same time.
is look perfect, the problem is that it work on 16 bits.
you can get some samples from TI.

I thought it'd be about time to chip in my thoughts on this (geddit?.. "chip" in???? ):grin:

I've tried the search function to look through my own posts on this topic - but it's not working for some reason. So I'll make this short and sweet.

There are 2 families that come to mind (from TI)

PCM29xx -- ADC/DAC (& Spdif) USB device - 16bit 96dB devices. Plug and play, very easy to make.

TAS1020, TUSB3200 -- USB streaming devices - need to program yourselves. Can support up to 4 channels of Mono I or O at 24bit 96KHz.

A Lot of the "prosumer" stereo I/O boxes use the TAS1020. I feel pretty bad dropping names, lets work on the assumption that hacking one of those boxes would be a lot easier than rolling our own :grin:

Ciao for now

another potential...

i'm sure you've all seen these floating around:

So, whats so special about a crappy behringer box? This is what looks special...

it has ADAT in and out for shifting 8 channels of audio in, and 8 channels out.

Who can guess what i'm going to say next????
Also, as mentioned before---

looks very interesting for taking 2 green pre's into a mac/pc

Plus, at $100 each (in the UK £60), it's almost worth experimenting with! :)

Does anyone know if this box's ADC/DAC are on the same chip as the firewire?