DIY81 Project Page...New!!!

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Well-known member
Jun 3, 2004

Hi all. As promised, above a the link to the new DIY81 project page at the upcoming and growing DIY Factory. There's some new info and new updated files with schematics for all you planning on taking this project in hand. Things are a little rough for the moment but all the info is there.

Check back often as I'm sure there's gonna be some new stuff and pics coming. Development of this project is a real community effort so I always encourage everyone to share their experience while building this project.

Enjoy.>!!! :green:

:guinness: :sam:

mmm... beaultifull!
"kubi said:
but your site is almost unreadable when browsed with Netscape/Mozilla. It appears with one word per line.
I just found noticed the same problem and had a look. The page contains this code at the top:
<body bgcolor="#CCCCCC" text="#000000""]

If you change marginwidth="600" to marginwidth="50" the page looks like I think it was intended.

Best regards,

Mikkel C. Simonsen
Yes. I'm using Firefox and have the same problem. I had to switch to IE to read the DIYFactory site properly.

[quote author="kubi"]Tommy, thanks for the updated information, but your site is almost unreadable when browsed with Netscape/Mozilla. It appears with one word per line.

Yup, I noticed the same thing. Kev is the one who does the final touch ups before posting. I'm sure he'll fix it up quick enough. Thanks for the margin tip. I'll let him know about it.
[quote author="mcs"]If you change marginwidth="600" to marginwidth="50" the page looks like I think it was intended.[/quote]
... strange as I never intended to set a marginwidth at any value and the default setting should have applied.
We just love computers and their funny little ways. :roll:

Is this problem repeated on the Country Hick page as well ?
yep ! sorry guys ... I'll fix. :oops:
Great stuff Tom! Thanks for all the effort you've put into this project.
I will be very happy when I finally finish my 1081 and can share it here.

I've had an edit,
people with non-MS browsers please have a look and
... tell me if the page is now ok.
thanks kubi,

... time for me to go and have some food and a sit and relax.

for those interested ... the Factory has concrete and I stood on it for the first time tonight. :cool:

Kev has left the Lab.
Yup, looks like the margins are good now.

I can't wait to have my modules up and running too :green: If I can get the iron sorted out, things might be looking good :wink:
[quote author="Kev"]for those interested ... the Factory has concrete and I stood on it for the first time tonight. :cool: [/quote]

I missed this before...what's that all about??

[quote author="SonsOfThunder"]I missed this before...what's that all about?[/quote]

DIY81_Project page is kept at the Factory ... The DIY Factory.

The DIY Factory is both virtual at the web site and also physical. Physical beuing a rather large shed/garage in my back yard. This was to be the new physical home of Group DIY. There was a lot that was going to be anounced when the new premises was finished later this year. This did include something that is now redundant. War broke out and some things were shelved for ever and some things need a rework. One week later and the DIY Factory as a concept was born.

A few pages exist like the DIY81_Project.
... and the Country Hick and a Data page. The Data page doesn't contain all valid links that it could but in time it will. A total of 5 meg so far and more to come. I don't think you will be able to see it ... and that's not an invitation for you to try to hack the site to find out what is there so far. :wink:
The Shop is still in development and I want to keep it hidden for mem .... :shock: oops said too much already.

The Factory currently has most of the walls lined and much of the gear has moved out there but there is still a long way to go. Storm water drainage from the site is a bit of a disaster at the moment but I am getting there and the Melbourne DIY'ers will be able to take advantage of the Factory if they are willing.
Woo-hoo! Nice work guys!

Where did you get that maroon PCB stock? it looks friggin' sick!

Be honest now, guys... Have you been dipping your PCB's in red wine?

And do they sound better afterwards??? :green:

Of course they sound better with the red on them. Red-37 mask...accelerates the transient response and smooths out the overall sound... :green: :green: :green: :razz:

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