Does Mouser have any good I/O transformers for pres/compressors?

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Well-known member
May 7, 2009
It's time for me to start building some neve pres. Are there any good transformers to be had from Mouser?

If your building the 1290....

Have a look at these threads...and check out the included assembly files, bom, etc. Madriannse has done a good job of documenting pretty much everything you'll want to know. Then, when you have questions ask 'em in one of those threads. Most of questions you'll have have been answered already, most likely. The transformers are from Carnhill...

Thanks for the input. I am building the 1272. I'd rather use a transformer I can get in the US to avoid international shipping/vat and of course the bad currency conversion that I'd get hit with from Carnhill in the UK.
Honestly, if you're really looking at the bottom line, I doubt you can build a 1272 for less than the Seventh Circle N72.
desol said:
Yes, and why not build a 1290 with all three stages!!!  :)

I'll show my ignorance here. What do you mean by "all three stages"?  Is a 1272 just a couple of the stages (less gain?) I noticed on my 1290 schematic that there are a series of BA183NV's running into a the BA183AM as the output. I'm assuming from what you said that the 1272 skips one of the BA183NV's?.
btw nice LA-2A build! Did you make the T4's?

btw Meathands, without sounding like a smart alec (not intending to), I'm sure it could be built for much less than what Seventh Circle is selling the kit for at around $380 if I recall. I think I have most of those parts on my shelves here (caps, resistors, and some of the transistors). I'd also like to avoid paying the UK pound conversion for the transformers if possible. It's going to end up close to $200 for just those. Bang for buck is what I'm after and there are a LOT of companies making transformers. These are tiny iron comparatively so I would think there's GOT to be something good available in the US and reasonably priced.
777funk said:
desol said:
Yes, and why not build a 1290 with all three stages!!!  :)

I'll show my ignorance here. What do you mean by "all three stages"?  Is a 1272 just a couple of the stages (less gain?) I noticed on my 1290 schematic that there are a series of BA183NV's running into a the BA183AM as the output. I'm assuming from what you said that the 1272 skips one of the BA183NV's?.
btw nice LA-2A build! Did you make the T4's?

1073 kicks into a second(third more accurately) stage at 50db of gain. 1272 never did. 1272 was a line amp only. 1290 is the defacto mic pre from 1073, w/o eq.

T4's came from Drip Electronics. I'm thinkin Kenetek is closer to the real deal, but that's a different story. Drip's still sound good.

Edit: Yes, 1272 is less gain.
the 1272 circuit is just two gain stages.  you can get plenty of gain out of it, but you have to push it harder than neve ever did to squeeze out the higher gain settings.  depending on how you do it, it can work fine or sound pretty gnarly.

the 1290 is the same two gain stages plus a third stage in the middle.  this is actually the same gain setup as a 1073.  it can easily make as much gain as you'd ever need.

the input and output transformers for either circuit are the same, and very high quality.  you are going to have to pay if you want "the neve sound" -- the transformers are an essential part of the circuit and happen to be uncommon designs today.  you are not going to find anything suitable at mouser.  the closest thing would be a hammond 560J input and the 145A output, but they cost about the same as the real thing, and the performance wouldn't be quite as good, so why bother (barring canadian national pride)?

for other circuits you can probably substitute in less expensive transformers and still be happy.  the neve circuits depend on these special transformers.  but even decent pro audio transformers are now such a specialty item that you're unlikely to get a good deal on decent transformers from mouser.  OEP and Edcor make some inexpensive audio transformers.  

The BA283 boards have what they refer to as a preamp stage and an output stage wired to an edge connector. They were designed to be generic amplifier/driver boards depending on how they were connected or interconnected. The 1290 uses two preamp stages and an output stage. 1272 uses one preamp stage and an output stage. You can uses these as building blocks (like neve did) to make the various bits and pieces that make up the console modules. The transformers and switches are the expensive parts. If you want a P&G fader you can almost spend $100. The boards and other components are not that expensive. You'll need a psu too which will most likely consist of a transformer, regulator, diodes, caps, some resistors, wire, etc. Don't forget a case and perhaps some Xlr's. I think you might be able to do a channel for 250 (being optimistic) depending on the number of channels and your chassis.

The good news with DIY is that you can start a project with fairly minimal funds and purchase your bits and pieces over time spreading out your expenses. I would recommend to plan on it costing more than you think and taking longer. That's not to discourage you from diving in to a 1272 or 1290 project. I highly recommend diving in and never looking back.


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