Eagle repetitive layout question

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Well-known member
Feb 18, 2006

Has anyone else run into the problem in Eagle where you want to insert a chunk of a prevoius layout into an existing brd file? the thing is, you have to close the schematic, copy and paste the layout, then reopen the schematic, copy and paste the components and to regain consistancy, rename everything. such a pain in the ass. is there a ULP that simplifies this? perhaps record a macro of laying that section out?

any suggestions appreciated.

mike p
Its a bit complicated but here are some hints and reasons why eagle will screw up your copy/paste.

To repeat a circuit block you make sure that it doesn't have any named nets, this includes power supply names. The reason is that the board editor will rename those to make them unique when you copy and the schematic editor will just connect them.

Then when you go through the procedure you mentioned there minimal if any renaming. Once you have consistency, then name all your nets to hook up your circuit block.

Also there is an issue if you copy and paste things on separate schematic pages that are in the same block on the layout. The numbering will generally get messed up pretty bad then. So generally I put layout blocks all on one page.
Just enter Eagle user's forum, IIRC there's mergebrd or something like this, I using sometimes cmd-renumber_2.ulp and
renamsig_3.ulp, anyway, not allways these repetitive peaces are exactly same.
Other way:
N100 draw one block on sch,
arrange it on pcb,
copy paste on schemo,
group new stuff on pcb,
put them over old one by one ,
move new group aside,
goto N100,
dead loop ;))).
This way takes more time, but more "analog" ;)))

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