Electronics Course recommendations...

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New member
Jun 24, 2014
Dalston, London
Hi all, i'm wondering if anyone could help point me in the right direction.

I'm a full time music producer/sound engineer and have been for 20 years or more. I'm interested in getting stuck into doing some DIY on
audio equipment e.g.. building the odd clone here and there or racking the odd vintage module or simply doing any repairs needed.

I know there's no course out there that can substitute years of experience which is probably essential for this kind of work... it's much the same in my world of producing and engineering.

But i'm wondering what i could do to give me a good kick start into it. At the moment i don't know a transistor from a resistor kind of thing and not very experienced with a soldering iron.. so basics required and up.

Many thanks in advance.


is probably a good place to start
I find the Art of Electronics book is worth it for learning, it goes fast from component descriptions and basic theory to functional circuit blocks. Maybe more pratical than university engineering courses.
Build a fuzz-box.

Hands-on gets results AND practical skill much faster than a general electronics education.

Yes, if you have a brain then pretty soon (like your first de-bugging session) you will be asking what-do-this-do?, and have to learn about fictitious "electrons" and stuff like that. But now the learning is immediate, not just chalk-dust.
Agree with PRR on this.  Build something simple that you actually want or need.

My first book was actually Electronics for Dummies, and as silly as sounds it was a great start!  The Art of Electronics is recommended often but I find it pretty impenetrable and I've been studying electronics for 8 or 9 years now.

(Please fill in your location, it helps when making recommendation)
Yes.. i like where you're coming from PRR. That's always been my way of doing things when it comes to producing music so makes sense. I Guess it's just a confidence thing having no experience with electronics.

Electronics For Dummies sounds perfect.. thanks ruairioflaherty.

My Location is London.. Will add to my profile.
