EMT 266 question

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Surround, what the f*%§ is that?????
ähhhh, it's like if you have drunk even more than right now and got problems to find the way back home. something like that only with your ears... it's not important, forget it....
:grin: Yeah i know that feeling...
it's like coming out of a cinema room in your hometown and you feel like drunk because of your bleeding ears that got hurt by 138dB of THX sound....in a childrens movie.
Yeah, surround...that's what they called it. :thumb:

Kind regards,

After checking the schematics (with help from kubi, :guinness: and turkish food) I found out that the EMT266 has no PWM circuit inside. I have no clue where I got the idea from that this is supposed to be PWM.....
It´s basically a feedback limiter where the audiopath is delayed through some allpass filters (BW 10Hz-17,5kHz -3dB). Delaytime is 0,3ms which seems to be enough for the sidechain to get control over the transients. The gainreduction element is a multiplier - not a VCA - and the signalpath is balanced throughout.

thanks for you help!
hi I know this is an old thread but i'm still depsarately searching for the 266 manual/schematics in english... anyone?

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