I'm using this power supply, (Gyraf G9 style) to power a tube circuit that I'm playing with right now.
All is well apart from the fact that R33 gets extremely hot (can not be touched for more than a couple of seconds) and I'm using 15W part now (r33,470r,15W and extremely hot). 2W part was "untouchable". I've calculated from the V and A (given on the schematic) that even 1W part could do the job. All V and A on the schemo, are correct values, measured in the actual circuit. Also ripple is HUGE. When not regulating (no load to the TL783 output) I have 334V after the bridge,before the R33.
Any help greatly appreciated.
I will post relevant values and updates here, in the first post, so you don't have to go through the whole thread:
R37 V drop is~12V and it passes ~22mA (~250V before R37 ~238V after R37). It is getting barely warm (not hot at all).Loaded.
I changed all the HT caps- to no change- R 33 still burns, RIPPLE is still HUGE.I used 4x bigger caps- no change.
I changed 15W R33 to another one(same value)- again - nothing changed.
I'm using "true rms" (UNI-T/ UT60H) meter.
Anyone? The question is still the same...
I'm using this power supply, (Gyraf G9 style) to power a tube circuit that I'm playing with right now.
All is well apart from the fact that R33 gets extremely hot (can not be touched for more than a couple of seconds) and I'm using 15W part now (r33,470r,15W and extremely hot). 2W part was "untouchable". I've calculated from the V and A (given on the schematic) that even 1W part could do the job. All V and A on the schemo, are correct values, measured in the actual circuit. Also ripple is HUGE. When not regulating (no load to the TL783 output) I have 334V after the bridge,before the R33.
Any help greatly appreciated.
I will post relevant values and updates here, in the first post, so you don't have to go through the whole thread:
R37 V drop is~12V and it passes ~22mA (~250V before R37 ~238V after R37). It is getting barely warm (not hot at all).Loaded.
I changed all the HT caps- to no change- R 33 still burns, RIPPLE is still HUGE.I used 4x bigger caps- no change.
I changed 15W R33 to another one(same value)- again - nothing changed.
I'm using "true rms" (UNI-T/ UT60H) meter.
Anyone? The question is still the same...