Fender Showman Reverb TFL 5000D

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this schematic was hard to find, luckily somebody did a redraw so boy are happy,

here is the site where we found the schematic>


the big difference between this and most Fender amps is the 150 ohm resistors located on each of the pwr tube cathodes>



  • Showman Reverb AA768 Schematic 150 ohm.pdf
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kind of a mixture of new and old inventory witnessed by the dual Mallory cathode caps,

note the weird use of 1 watt 100K plate R's next to a 1/2 watt on the first two preamp tubes,


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weird cathode bypass caps on right of chassis pic,

gonna "Blackface" this thing,  part of this process is to rip out the crazy 2000 pf grid caps,

as well as change he bias balance pot to full on bias and change the phase inverter back to 1964.



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phase inverter gets 100K and 82 k plate R's , stock was 47K each,

68K 6L6GC grid R's get backed up to 220K, and a 470 cathode resistor on the 12AT7a ,

we had a .001 ceramic cap in there already, sometimes the CBS amps have a .01.

and we already had 1 M PI grid resistors so those stay.


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voltage chart with new phase inverter

note B+ = 418 instead of 460, sounds good like this,



  • Showman Reverb 5000 voltages.png
    Showman Reverb 5000 voltages.png
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Peter Green played through a blackface showman with a fender reverb 7G16 model?    I loved his music from the first of Fleetwood mac.

Also a Dumble Ultra phonix mod would be cool for this amp.  Not a lot different.  This is for a bandmaster but easily adapted.
These don't have overdrive.  more like a plexi than a humble.  I've heard Clapton uses one.  Clapton probable uses everything so no sure that matters.


  • Ultra Phoenix.PNG
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