Wishing a happy and busy new year on everything, DIY related to all the community

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mr haze

New member
GDIY Supporter
Nov 29, 2012
Hi everybody,

Wishing a happy and busy new year on everything, DIY related to all the community.

My name is Geoffrey

I am a reader of this forum since 2007, registered since 2012.

I am a french musician and recording engineer, I am 52, and own a vintage oriented recording studio with a good quantity of instruments and recording gear, vintage and repro.

Into easy DIY projects since I opened my studio. First got a G-SSL build by a friend of mine in 2007 and after that I wanted to be able to build some by myself.

At a moment, I was able to get some nice vintage gear: tape recorders (Tascam 38 and MS16, Studer A80 RCMK2), analog mixers (soundcraft Venue I & II) , tape echos and spring reverbs, all in really good shape + some high end vintage hardware repro: mu and fet compressors, helios, neve and some tube preamps

I used them intensively for 10 years then stopped the studio work for more than 5 years and now that I am starting again, I have big maintenance on lot of them.

Changed hundred if not thousands of capacitors and did some mods on my tape recorders, soundcraft mixers, did maintenance on vintage Ampeg, Marshall, Fender amplifiers and built 3 very authentic tube amps repros (Fender tweed bandmaster, Fender Deluxe brownface and Fender 50W blonde showman)

Modded every bit of my music and recording gear which could be modded. Did the wiring of 3 different control rooms over 15 years (I like testing different room of my house)

I built a G-Pultec and RCA BA-2C clone (GAR modded PCB)

Now I am into more preamps, and building some for friends.

At the moment I am into a quad API 312 (based on G.A.R. pcb)

a Helios dual Pre/eq (G.A.R. pre pcb and Ian’s Helios EQ pcb)

a dual tube pre (based on Ian’’s Twin Line amp)

a dual Tube pre/eq ( Helios EQ between 2 Twin Line amp)

and at last, an other RCA BA-2C wired point to point.

I’ve decided to take an active account because after all these years of reading only, I wanted to pay my due to this great forum which saved me so much time and headheaches on the repair or mod of a piece of gear.

Moreover, it’s possible I will have to ask a few questions in the next months, it’s the first time I have to work so much on the racking and internal wiring and I am a total newbie when it comes to designing faceplate.

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