I'm late to the party.
I've serviced many Silverface Fender reverb amps.
- Filter caps need definitely to be replaced, if they didn't failed yet they will fail, after all these years they are not good. Seen countless of failed Filter caps in those amps over the years. Modern Electrolytic caps (from a quality brand) are much better than any Lytic from the 70s.
- Check if you have the Death Cap installed there, if you have remove it and change the power wiring assembly with a grounded 3 prong mains cable
- Modify the Bias circuit from the worthless "Balance Bias" in silverface amps to the standard Bias as used in Blackface amps. You will not be able to set the Bias properly with the "balance bias" circuit. The conversion from Balance Bias to Blackface Bias is quite easy