Cool than. Due to local holidays, some packages with parts delayed, but already here, in Israel.
I love custom's like a possibility of atomic war. Meanwhile, most of kits stuff arranged.
Important thingy.
I got this question regarding 2RU version of TG. However, useful here as well.
I read that a 2.4mA meter is required but is there any chanche of using an easy availably 1mA sifam meter?
Yep, easy. Just an adjustable shunt - take about 22r resistor connected in series with 200r multiturn trimpot;
than connect them in parallel to your meter.
Feed some voltage thru appropriate variable resistor (for 5V, the 2.4mA current will be at 2.083 Kohm);
monitor the current with milliampermeter (Fluke at 20mA range) and adjust the shunt for FSD (full scale deflection, 100%)
when the current is exactly 2.4 mA. For this purpose, 2k083 resistor (may bit vary due to total resistance of shunt and meter)
done from 1k5 resistor and 2k potentiometer, connected in-series.
Adjust 2.4 ma - adjust FSD - readjust 2.4ma - readjust FSD - done.
I will post exact pictures how to do it right with potentiometer located at PCB. Takes 5 minutes to set and forget.