finished my ml303 v5 (tb 303 clone)

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> uh.. forgive my ignorance.. what does it do? it looks great though!
> uh.. forgive my ignorance.. what does it do? it looks great though!
> uh.. forgive my ignorance.. what does it do? it looks great though!
> uh sorry about the posts, something was wrong with the site, giving me php time out errors

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i just did an alternate mix (a remix? i hesitate to call it that when the original's my own track) of my latest single in old skool acid style... did most of it w/ ReBirth. 808 & 909 sound even better than the 303 in that thing - IMHO amyway. with the judicious use of distortion/overload it sounds quite good, especially for being a software model thats almost 9 years old already.
i also don't like using the mouse (though i've gotten used to it) so i use my supernova as the just fine like that.

i've recently made the switch to OS X for music as well, so no more rebirth :/
i guess thats why this thread caught my eye. there is a 303 Audio unit plugin, but as u could imagine, its not that great, well let me rephrase...ok in its own right, just not much of a 303, again IMHO.

a friend of mine has a real 303, but w/ no way to sync them i don't bother to ask to borrow it.

so Jurgen, whats the deal w/ the ML303?
wa that an entire kit, or just a PCB & u had to source all the parts?
also, is it that much better than the oakleysound one?
Woo, cool thread!
I'm really into pattern based electro the old skool way :cool: !
After recognizing the incredible silly high prices for 303's nowadays (hundreds of euros for bad conditioned once cheap analogue dj crap :wink: ) i bought myself a control synthesis db9 for just a hundredsomething to sound different... Once a guy dizzed about electro came into our rooms and saw my JD-800...after listening to a few sounds he said "Wow it can sound like a 303!"...and this was some really "boring" sound to me that time... Now i try to produce alot of this "simple" but oldskool sounds..
To make the patterns my best friend and me use two electribe M (EM-1) and what should i say: **** REBIRTH and get some knobs to twiddle!!!
I make the patterns with pure electribe with nice analog style "motion sequences" and drive the cs DB9 (where you can "jump" to every midi channel with a twist of a knob) and the JD-800 (in multi mode) to get ******* fat Electro.
But (to come back to DIY again) ucapps is the ******* greatest site of the moment regarding electro/midi DIY!
I just finished my first MidiboxSID (and have another one by hand) and it is just sounding GREAT as a vintage lead/arp synth with minimum effort in building. Thorstens site has the best documentation i've seen in synth diy world so far!
The greatest thing about the MIOS midi OS is its really incredible flexibility regarding every kind of midibox hardware modules!
You can customize nearly every type of midibox with a simple change of a few very good documented header files and create a user interface of your personal style!
MIOS is pure fast PIC assembler optimized to handle midi in a few microseconds (in fact 2-5us measured in most fairly complex applications)...
Thorsten Klose send me his beta C wrapper for testing purposes last week...looks great but i'm too excited about my SID at the moment (music takes my time the last days before programming...)
Switched off a little bit from analogue to digital in this posting...
For everyone looking into building a 303 copy i have a real good hint:
BUY A CHEAP BUT GOOD SOUNDING COPY like DB9, the Will Systems one, MAM MB33(II), Novation Bassstation, Waldorf Pulse or something like that and build yourself a good pattern based SEQUENCER!!!
ML-303 for example based its pattern sequencer from the PIC programming for the MBSEQ. Thorsten wrote it especially for the ML303 community! And MIOS is a system far beyond that!
Check out the features of MBSEQ V2 analogue style sequencer (even midi2CV available!) and get exited!!! (forget about the original 303... :wink: )
I hope i didn't offend anyone here :grin: and be relaxed:
YES i'm still a ROLAND fan (and my MC-500MK2 is still in use!)


Anybody know what William Orbit nused for a bass synth?
Probably just a Kurzweil module maybe.
I want the downstairs neighbors to move out.
Too much hot oil shrimp cooking at three in the morning.
er, wait! that would be me!
@ Michael. I am working on the 9090 clone.

Mine can be found here:

The clone can be found here:

Thats the trevor page. He´s the inventor of the clone. I have the PCBs , the preprogrammed pic and the Hihat ROMS from him. Not very cheap but two double sided massive PCBs. Lots of parts to sort out.

@ technetium
just bought the kit incl preprogrammed pic from . No more available. The rest was sorted by myself. And it sounds as close to the original what a hardware can do. I used japanese parts etc. and the sequencer is what it makes so close to the original.

But the 3031 has also advantages in VCF , VCA control. A very very good bass synthesizer too.

I love 303 and I love TB.

An unbeatable pair... ML303 & SSL !!! hehe
[quote author="JayDee"]ya, I also did some acid work in the past (important records). I sometimes use rebirth but I don´t like to edit it with a mouse. I like hardware pots. and when you program the original you sometimes get funny sequences because of faulty (german "prellen") switches (taster). You want to program e.g. a sequence based on c-g-c , but the 303 recognizes c-c-g-c .... thats real funny. I am an acid freak and I love those machines. And yes I know the microwave steffen prince.

has anyone else here released something with a TB?

what synths do u guys use ?


I did lots of acid records. I still use my 303 sometimes. I released on Thomas heckmann's label AFU and on Drop Bass, Djax-Up-Beats, Analog. Lately I have recorded a record for Communique that is all old school 80's style acid and several remixes with 303's in them, including one of Pink, Kelis, Atomizer, The Killers, Ima Robot, I don't know, some others....

[quote author="Twin-x"]What is the site of the ml303?

I want one even if they do not sell them anymore. This way i can ditch my real 303. (saves me muney :D)[/quote]
Posted this over in the acid house debate in the brewery
might as well post it here as well
if anybody wants to get in touch with Zukan for a photo of the innards - he is very very approachable

there is a beast called the Roland M303r - based on the TB303
zukan over at the SoS site has one

i quote..
"The M303R is the strangest toy I have ever owned. It is the module version of the TB303. They made 6 prototypes, I was given three of them, two I sold, one I kept. Strange *******. A 3 u black box with the innards of the TB303 and some. Always detuned itself but had 2 oscs and white noise generator on the front panels. Did not have the phrase facility but had everything else. I also had 2 TB303s so A/Bd them and found it to be completely different. It's a mad box, too unstable as it detunes itself all the time but I get some absolutely mad sounds out of it."
"Nope, no accent (phrase) and almost no control over resonance. I can see why they ditched it , as it is a ******* to use, always goes out of tune. I will try and take a pic and post it up here, including the innards. I have never been able to find any schematics on the unit, but did find one other person who had one and he couldn't even sell it (this was back in 96 tho) and just binned it. Mind you, had it been a true 303 in design with the oscs then it would have been a winner. What Roland were thinking with this unit is beyond me but I use it for total madness and I get more sci-fi and weird efx out of it than any normal sustaining sensible sound.Looks mean tho.

In fact, the only released rack version of the 303 was the 5/G
But I am not even sure if Roland had anything to do with it's design or if it was a hybrid, outsoiurced and manufactured."
[quote author="Viitalahde"]Mark,

under what aliases you did..? Maybe I've heard some of them. :thumb:[/quote]

not too many aliases. Mark Verbos, Verbos, Sidney Hih, CMOS, 45 Optimal, Binge & Purge