> uh.. forgive my ignorance.. what does it do? it looks great though!
> uh.. forgive my ignorance.. what does it do? it looks great though!
> uh.. forgive my ignorance.. what does it do? it looks great though!
> uh sorry about the posts, something was wrong with the site, giving me php time out errors
When you notice that you are posting duplicates, if you act fast, you can delete the extras. If nobody has replied, there is an {X} icon in the top-right of your post. Click that and you can delete the message.
If there is a reply, that option goes away. I'm not sure what happens if you many-post, which is in effect replying to the thread: if you can only delete the last post, or if you can work up the list and remove several duplicates.
{later...} Ah, you can delete the last post(s) in the thread, if they are yours, one by one. I grew this thread out to 3 duplicates and pruned it back to one.
> uh.. forgive my ignorance.. what does it do? it looks great though!
> uh.. forgive my ignorance.. what does it do? it looks great though!
> uh sorry about the posts, something was wrong with the site, giving me php time out errors
When you notice that you are posting duplicates, if you act fast, you can delete the extras. If nobody has replied, there is an {X} icon in the top-right of your post. Click that and you can delete the message.
If there is a reply, that option goes away. I'm not sure what happens if you many-post, which is in effect replying to the thread: if you can only delete the last post, or if you can work up the list and remove several duplicates.
{later...} Ah, you can delete the last post(s) in the thread, if they are yours, one by one. I grew this thread out to 3 duplicates and pruned it back to one.