Food prices

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I would be happy to, if I had even the slightest clue what you are talking about. 🤔
Read my post again, I mean your post, uuuh-both of them. Do you really believe that actual crimes should be punished by social professional and financial cancellation rather than the rule of law? How much clearer can I get here?!? I deliberately didn’t use any pun, shizzle talk, or anything to confuse the translators
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Shizzle talk 😄

Social media has undermined the rule of law , its like taking a step backwards to the days of the Circus Maximus , with the hungry mob baying for blood .
You have written that if a lawyer commits a crime they should be ruined by cancellation, and not tried in a court of law with due process.

Do you really believe that actual crimes should be punished by social professional and financial cancellation rather than the rule of law?

Not seeing where Matador wrote that, at any time.

You understand that most people don't want to do business from criminals, right? Surely you aren't saying criminals should be exempt from any professional and financial repercussions?
Do you really believe that actual crimes should be punished by social professional and financial cancellation rather than the rule of law?
In principle, no, at least based on how you've framed what 'cancelling' means, however that's how things have worked in practice since professions have been a thing.

It's common for multiple malpractice doctors to have their medical licenses 'cancelled', and for lawyers who have been sanctioned multiple times to be 'cancelled' from the bar, or contractors who do shoddy work or are known to not follow codes to have their contractor license 'cancelled'. None of these actions are based on strict 'legality' of behavior, nor are always tried in a court.

There is a long list of (ex) Trump lawyers who are happily still practicing today, and haven't been targeted by the IRS, nor have had their previous court submissions scrutinized in order to have them disbarred, etc. Do you have proof otherwise?
To put it in a different way, do you think the current row with the UEFA president who kissed one of the winning female players on the mouth is a case for the courts?

Or is punishment by (social) media already enough?
To put it in a different way, do you think the current row with the UEFA president who kissed one of the winning female players on the mouth is a case for the courts?

Or is punishment by (social) media already enough?
Strangely enough my wife and I were talking about this tonight during the dinner. Without meaning to blow my own trumpet, my wife is a heavy hitter PR/Marketing person (in performing arts).

I asked her how would she advice him if she was his PR person. She said that it probably happened in the heat of the moment, and not with a sexual intent. He should have put his hand up immediately and said that the whole thing was a big error, and he could not believe that how he dropped his guard and made such an error, and that he would donate his entire bonus (or whatever) that he received to rape victim charities.

It is of course too late now. He's got to go.
Didn't know JP is fighting it now... if nothing else, AI tracking and suggestions supplies some talking points...
Looks like a good one...listened for 15 minutes so far...

I don't do videos, but I have been following Jordan's drama with the canadian government that is ordering mandatory re-education classes for his language that pushed their buttons. Canada was a little surprising for how heavy handed they were responding to the truck driver's protest. I always thought canada was more laid back than that. I guess

In principle, no, at least based on how you've framed what 'cancelling' means, however that's how things have worked in practice since professions have been a thing.

I Do you have proof otherwise?
At least you kinda answered the question, but act like you do not understand cancel culture in principle or otherwise. Yet you wrote that it should be done. Do you know what de-banking is? Quite debilitating. De-platforming? How do eee-yooo frame cancelling?
And you don't know about Project 65?
Oh, time to do anything else than explain this stuff. I just hope you are never the target of cancel goons, on any scale. But you gotta keep in line and parrot the collective!
And I was gonna make a few comments re. ACTUAL food prices today at my local Kroger/Aldi/Walmart. Guess everyone else just wants to attack everyone else here about bullsh!t politics..... not real world stuff in the daily world.


And I was gonna make a few comments re. ACTUAL food prices today at my local Kroger/Aldi/Walmart. Guess everyone else just wants to attack everyone else here about bullsh!t politics..... not real world stuff in the daily world.

Unfortunately it goes hand in hand.. geopolitics...etc..
But yeah, everyone attacking everyone else and losing sight of the issues is a problem.
Irrelevant if you're a conspiracy theorist who may think that's by design
I kept trying to brang it back, yea, prices are going up, but Brian, do you really think we'll all go "eeeee-yup!", drop some prices and go on our way? Really?
Everyone here is involved with the sciences, electronics specifically(I think), professionally, hobbyist, both. That discipline requires frequently questioning "why" to further our understanding. Why would anyone expect anything else in the (true) sciences? [staying away from "Because Science™"] Folks here are not one-dimensional, we're gonna ask why, and have different differing answers.
In manufacturing, I analyze many non-conformities with D8. Outside of my day gig, if I throw D8 at the problem of price inflation, or any problem today, it WILL land on politics at D4, on the second or third "why". Governments are getting in the way, governments filled with bureaucrats and their inertia, directed by politicians and their policy agendas, hopefully legitimately elected by an electorate. You cannot escape politics as the answer to "why" with social issues.
Maybe ask the question in a forum of local government DOT workers?

I believe those are global commodities market prices, not USA. Global inflation, but it must be Biden's fault of course - the pandemic had nothing to do with it..
The pandemic response certainly did. Especially here in the USA where we also gave away huge sums of (freshly printed) money. And Biden's policies along with those of the largely left-leaning EU certainly haven't helped.

And where is that "global" corn produced?
And if you check it's also consumed mostly in the same places. Yes, I know prices of commodities are affected by global factors, but to try to pretend US Federal policies have no effect is ridiculous. We produce an awful lot of food here. When stupid policies that increase fuel costs, fertilizer cost, etc. you bet this administration is partly to blame for increased cost of food.

And? What was the problem 2010-14?