Matt Syson
Well-known member
One version had an H to denote the (by RCA?) which I think was promoted to indicate a more 'robust' situation (they were more resistant to blowing up) and of course no one actually set out to make a 2N5055 but a family of power transistors that would handle up to 15 Amps collector current of which the ones that were 'comfortable' at 60 Volts became 2N3055s. The H versions were (supposedly) suffered less from secondary breakdown where the 'base' region loses control of current flow as I think the revised process removed the possible 'hotspots' across the die. Other variants of what were essentially the same beast with good HF performance, higer Hfe or breakdown voltsage were marked with different numbers so that users could pick devices best suited. Of cpourse a 2N3033 when used in the Neve transformer drive circuit was nowhere near any of the dangers seen in speaker or motor drive circuitry. The 60 Volt rating would probably extend to 80 Volts as long as the SOA wasn't being encroached. The fact it's To3 case represented almost all the heatsink area that it would need for Neve's application was probably just another 'plus'. Reverting back to the discussion, it requires a full test of Hfe curves, frequency response and others to determine what the characteristics that are most important for this job.
There are similar 'discussions to be had over Mullard and Mazda valves with regards to their marking. An old friend who worked for Mullard 'in the day' said that one 'manufacturer would make 'all' ECC83 for example and the other manufacturer might make all ECC82 but as part of the BVA (British Valve association) the parts were 'swapped' so that both could appear to make the full catalogue.
Matt S
There are similar 'discussions to be had over Mullard and Mazda valves with regards to their marking. An old friend who worked for Mullard 'in the day' said that one 'manufacturer would make 'all' ECC83 for example and the other manufacturer might make all ECC82 but as part of the BVA (British Valve association) the parts were 'swapped' so that both could appear to make the full catalogue.
Matt S