According to the Gates SA-70 manual, there is 8 dB NFB there, and it should be similar here. The 1st 2 stages in my mash-up are essentially the Gates circuit, with the biggest difference being that stage 2 is loaded much more lightly, and should have more voltage gain than it would in the Gates amp. So maybe a hair difference in the NFB loop, which is virtually local FB around V2, just including the previous interstage cap and attenuator in the loop.
An additional note is that these first 2 stages exist with similar lighter loading in the SA-94 program amp, where they are the 1st 2 of 4 stages, and feed a 250K gain control. The anode to anode NFB is the same there, but gain is fixed as if at the top of the SA-70 volume control, which is simply a fixed resistor.
Back to the FB loop, and how it came to be in the SA-70, originally it was a simple 100K R between anodes, with the added benefit of slightly raising V1 plate voltage with the additional B+ path, and the interstage cap as the only tailoring element between V2 anode and grid. There I quote from a published article written by a Gates engineer, exploring various methods of NFB application in the SA-70. Over time, they added the various response tailoring elements. I cannot think of another commercial example of anode to anode FB similar to this.
With modern transformers, you may not need any tailoring of FB at all. You may like the sound without that FB path at all. I never tried it at the time. Now, having much better test tools, I would explore all of those possibilities if I were to revisit. I did rebuild an SA-70 using 37 and 76 (i think) tubes, and left the NFB out completely, and used it a lot for awhile. Lots of possibilities.