GDIY trade

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Well-known member
Nov 18, 2015
I'm getting a bit piss ,sick and tired of seeing for sale signs in the ould main drag ,
Offers to trade or barter without monetary value are allowed ,our fore founding fathers established this in writing ,
can we not establish a co-opperative buying power at least either side of pond/swamp/divide
I had a few beers down the hatch last night , I might have phrased things a bit more diplomatically , but I'll leave it stand as is anyway .

I dont know much about sandblasting equipment Scott ,sorry ,

I saw a few of Whoops posts looking for specific components ,in return he was offering to trade or barter some of his stock , apart from the cost of the stamp to send the goods in either direction no money changes hands , taxes and import duties are probably also avoidable due to the nominal value of the items being sent . I know one of Ethans ten comandments relates to transactions involving money and how they display , with the barter/trade system we keep to the original spirit of the place and get components that are just sitting around to people who can use them .

Im against the 'latests posts' section getting block booked with for sale signs basically by non contributors while pushing topics from our long standing contributors down the list , I think the 'wanted' listings popping up in 'latest' isnt a nessesairily a bad thing , but again if its just turns into a market place it kinda spoils alot of the good .

As you may have read from my recent posts I'm building up a surplus of almost new 100uf 330v electrolytics ,
I just picked up a bag of around 100 disposable flash cameras for dismantling ,
Im happy to consider trades but to be honest theres no way in hell Im offering up my name and address to every stranger that lurks down in the blackmarket .

Any of the serious long game contributors to this forum who want to try out these caps just PM me and Im happy to bang a handful off in an envelope by way of thanks free gratis , of course you could return me a 'component lucky' bag at some point down the line too but its optional ,
Obviously this isnt an open unending offer , I'll need evaluate postage to various places , if theres a stampede all over my inbox I'll have to draw a line somewhere .

An extention of this idea might allow us amplify up our buying power and access stuff thats usually off the shelf to smaller volume diy builders , of course this idea is already working very effectively here in 'group buy' initiatives for specialist stuff like tube mic transformers. ,

For more off the shelf stuff where MOQs catch the small guy out, picking a few people in countries with low postal rates to be stock holders makes a lot of sense .
One good example where something like this could work is the recent post about stereo matching of pots and the possibility of getting our own spec mini smd dact rotary attenuators made up with a precise db per step into a known load instead of log .
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with the barter/trade system we keep to the original spirit of the place and get components that are just sitting around to people who can use them .
A button added to reflect this could be cool. Like For Sale/Trade or whatever.
Didn't money used to be sort of like bartering? Like someone may not want to barter my basket of eggs for their gallon of milk because they want a loaf of bread. But they'll take the money note that's accepted as able to trade for anything. Or something like that.

Think I read somewhere that the rules for bartering and getting taxed weren't as clear as they may have been but idk..

....SBC 350 is the Chevrolet Small Block engine. Don't worry, I don't know as much about them as I do sanders anyway.

Wish the international shipping was a bit easier to navigate and not so lopsided in it's pricing. Something just doesn't add up when I see how cheap it is for some..Makes one feel kinda boxed in tbh.
Yeah thats exactly what I mean Scott , a kind of notional bank of GDIY

time for my afternoon coffee , cheers
Theres defiantely a slow erosion of certain principles this place was founded upon , all in the name of monetiseing,
hopefully more of our longstanding members will chime in with their views .

By the way before someone says it this subsection might not be the right place for this discussion ,but I wanted no filter ,top billing , front centre .
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Theres defiantely a slow erosion of certain principles this place was founded upon , all in the name of monetiseing,
hopefully more of our longstanding members will chime in with their views .

By the way before someone says it this subsection might not be the right place for this discussion ,but I wanted no filter ,top billing , front centre .
It's still the wrong subsection, this is a brewery topic. And if it's a serious matter to you, you should have written an opening post that is easily digestible and clearly communicates your concern.
I accept my writing style is probably awkward for many where English is a second language , I suspect the Irish turn of phase dosent always translate well to other English speaking places either .

I didnt feel the brewery was the right place for it , Im am very serious about what Im saying .

I want to share a quick anecdote ,
Theres a buddy of mine , lived here around 12 years at this stage , originally from Germany ,
It took him at least a couple of years to be able decode the sense of humour/irony ,
he speaks like the locals now and knows the 'craic' down the pub .

In the interests of clarity I'll explain , 'craic' in Irish means fun or joke
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As I've consumed a few noble beers, I am absolutely delighted with your wording. Just saying.

As clear as an unmudded Irish lake...
I have a couple things up for trade now, like a fake microphone I wouldn't want to "sell" per se. I have some other DIY overages that might be more fun to share or trade than to sell, if more people were doing that sort of thing.

I was pretty new last Christmas and I thought the "free for postage" exchange was infectious. And I got the start to a couple of projects I didn't know I needed.
Might have missed this in the Brewery ;-)
Yes indeed ,the Belgians have some great special beers , the monarchy ,well lets say they had some less than noble predelictions, nothing unique to Belgium of course as we know well at this stage . Anyway enough of that .

Your own command of the English language for someone who probably (?) isnt a native speaker is beyond most Cyrano,
I neither hand out or take compliments often but thank you .

The irony here just now is its bucketing down with rain and all the rivers and lakes run with muddy waters , the local river was in a dangerously low state and a large scale fish kill was narrowly avoided , the distillery has to have water or production shuts down , its a question I'm definately going to raise when I take the distillery tour .

Did I see a new pop up add here when I came in today ?
I used have an element blocker that took away the anoying popups , that stopped working some time back , even uninstalling the browser and doing a fresh install didnt fix it ,
As Johnny Rotten once said , 'ever get the feeling youre being cheated ' .
Of course theres a think tank/AI borg behind this whole opperation , part man part machine ,its obviously trying to thwart attempts to use ad blockers of various kinds and deliver us content which most of us would rather avoid .

Im not sure if people are refraining from comment as a protest against the fact that its in the wrong section ,
As a compromise how about we have the thread shifted over to Forum Help and Anouncements ;-)
The other thing of course is thinking time to formulate a response might be required , definately hoping to hear back from the long standing members .

Nice One Tim , I hadnt partaken in the free giveaway but great to hear it was a success,
I kinda wanted to mention here about the old fashioned radio component swap meets that go on all over the UK , sadly in my little former outpost they dont exist ,

I wanted to mention in this context , a UK based mostly ex gov electronic stockist , a nice man by the name of Roy who I dealt with on several occassions , he had contacts in the electronic swap meet community , there was nothing he couldnt lay his hands on , I know his health took several turns for the worst in recent years , well anyway the site is now closed , We wont presume the worst , but I do hope his collection of stuff wasnt chucked into skips . There must be a few here who had dealings with him over the years , Im sure the original site is way-backed up , he had an astonishing collection of valves .

Over in the trade department Im looking for an Epcos 4u7 400v blue box foil cap ,
A pull from used equipment ,as long as its not mal'funk'ing is 100% fine by me ,
How does 5 Nippon made spanky new 100uf 330v sound by way of trade ?
Preferably EU or UK , but I'm willing to way up postage to the States for viabillity if anyones interested in trades across the water .

I'm starting to like the vibe of our new trade counter already .
'I love it when a plan comes together'
I borrowed that line of course ,much d'offing of hat to Georgey Boy
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Right ,
were going to need to get some 'Funk' sparks going on for our new 'Free Trade' desk logo ,
its hard to avoid plagarism of many many military insignias from all corners , which lets not do ,
Maybe a happy pirate skull and x bones with four lightening bolts in trapiezoid around it ,
Im not much use at

Again I can kick this convo over to Help/Anouncements at any time if thats a better posi.
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You can set the Black Market on ignore for the news feed.

This is worth repeating, so I’m quoting it here.

The forum software allows us to set up our own preferences, which is really good news

I like seeing the for sale ads in the “latest posts,” and I’m glad I have that option. If the default goes the other way, I’d still like to be able to set my own preferences to see them, if possible .
I feel similarly to soapfoot on this, but at the same time I understand why some folks prefer not to see the black market posts in their feed. Whatever the defaults are, it certainly seems like a simple enough solution to just adjust your settings, even if that doesn't address the principal of the matter.

I greatly enjoyed participating in the Christmas giveaway this past year. Pretty much all of my offerings were snatched up quickly, and it felt nice to be able to give something (even something small) back to the community. I'm looking forward to doing it again this year, and hopefully having some even better stuff to contribute this time around.

I, for one, am not big on bartering when it comes to the DIY stuff, but that's only because the extra goodies I have lying around typically aren't anything that the rest of you wouldn't also have lying around, and thus I feel like I don't have anything interesting to offer for trade.

EDIT: That said, I do like Tubetec's idea of having some folks in strategic areas hold stockpiles of certain things. Would be curious to explore that idea a little further.

This is just me adding my two cents, though, and isn't being offered as an argument against anyone else's opinions here.
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