Well-known member
Hello everyone,
I hope posting some audio related stuff in the brewery isn't breaking any etiquette, but I thought posting a "what is it worth" thread in the black market might have been worse.
I got my hands on this board two years ago, after harrassing a company I work for who had been storing it for years, waiting to "give it to a museum, because nobody uses those old and heavy sh$ts anymore". I asked over and over until someday, the guys decided it was time for some space to be made, and I finally got it.
Some details about the board:
it's a Girardin C121 (serial number: 4) set of boards. Girardin is a little known french company that's now closed. They have been supplying consoles and outboard for the ORTF, then the RTF and Radio france, among others that I ignore. I ignore totally where this board was originally. It seems to be a broadcast board from the 60s, as the outputs of the main board are 2 distinct mono outs (you chose to send track one in master one OR master two).
There are three boards:
-the big one, 13 channels with sends pre and post EQ, input transformers, two masters, a matrix for choosing source.
-the small one, a matrix (12x4) of pots and resistors from wich you can do 4 distinct mixes that are fed to 4 summing buses
-the patch bay, for wich I only have 3 matrix plugs (4 pins).
the big one:
the small one and part of the pach:
an input module opened:
an output module opened:
I have a lot of other pictures here , though as you can see here, I'm not really good friend with the digital camera...
The summing modules are (seem to be) exactly like the output ones, except they have rotary pots instead of linear fader.
With those 4 summing modules is also a talkback module .
Transistors used everywhere are 2N526 and 2N527.
I've changed fuses and PSU filter caps, installed a panel on the back of the main board, with XLR mic inputs and phone jack unbalanced direct outputs, 48V, phase reverse and 20dB pads. I've traced enough of it to get the pinouts of the different modules and a little more info. Still any schematics or technical docs would be nice to have, if anyone has some. There is very little about girardin on the web...
It's a little noisy, of course, compared to today's standarts, but I love the sound of it. The channels and output modules are untouched for the moment, that probably explains the noise figure. Distortion on the inputs (plosives make a perfect example here) have a very distinctive sound that I have heard on records from the sixties (well, my point of reference is a french singer here, so I guess jean ferrat won't tell much to a lot of people). Of course, one doesn't have to distort anything, and there is no distortion if correctly used...
I have made some piano , guitar and voice recordings with it some months ago and have been very happy with them, and my backpanel worked ok, though having it in the back is kind of a PITA (but having it in front was a much more complicated task, and disfiguring the board was not an option).
The thing is, I haven't worked for two months now, I'm trying to stop working as a sound tech so I can become a real musician, so I have to work less and less until I don't work at all as a soundman, and be a starving musician. I'm already starving by the way.
The other thing is my girlfriend hates me for having this thing in the way for two years now, between a broken mellotron and a semi working hammond. She will hate me even more when she gets ****** christmas gifts.
I have used it, but not on a daily basis, as I also have other pres, and it's just a personnal studio.
Two years ago, I had imagined not to part with this beautyfull gear, and it would hurt me a little bit to separate the elements as it is such a state of the art console. Just look at those vumeters! Still I guess the time might come soon...
Do you think there would be some interest in this, maybe here on prodigy for separate modules or (that would maybe be preferable) for the whole thing?
How much would there be to be made here, moneywise (because yes, in the end, that's why i'm selling it...). I guess I would keep it if it was not enough, so...
Or maybe I should recap (not sure it's a good idea) the input modules, rack them with a psu, keep 4 for me and sell the rest?
Do you think somebody might be interested in it as a sidecar?
Or maybe I should just kill the auxilliary board and make two summing busses with it?
Or sell everything as spare parts (transformers, switches, VUs, inductors, faders, bakelite knobs...) (please don't choose this option)
What would you do?
What should I do? I'm at loss here.
arthur. (yeah, doubleroger is not my real name...)
EDIT: resizing pics
I hope posting some audio related stuff in the brewery isn't breaking any etiquette, but I thought posting a "what is it worth" thread in the black market might have been worse.
I got my hands on this board two years ago, after harrassing a company I work for who had been storing it for years, waiting to "give it to a museum, because nobody uses those old and heavy sh$ts anymore". I asked over and over until someday, the guys decided it was time for some space to be made, and I finally got it.
Some details about the board:
it's a Girardin C121 (serial number: 4) set of boards. Girardin is a little known french company that's now closed. They have been supplying consoles and outboard for the ORTF, then the RTF and Radio france, among others that I ignore. I ignore totally where this board was originally. It seems to be a broadcast board from the 60s, as the outputs of the main board are 2 distinct mono outs (you chose to send track one in master one OR master two).
There are three boards:
-the big one, 13 channels with sends pre and post EQ, input transformers, two masters, a matrix for choosing source.
-the small one, a matrix (12x4) of pots and resistors from wich you can do 4 distinct mixes that are fed to 4 summing buses
-the patch bay, for wich I only have 3 matrix plugs (4 pins).
the big one:

the small one and part of the pach:

an input module opened:

an output module opened:

I have a lot of other pictures here , though as you can see here, I'm not really good friend with the digital camera...
The summing modules are (seem to be) exactly like the output ones, except they have rotary pots instead of linear fader.
With those 4 summing modules is also a talkback module .
Transistors used everywhere are 2N526 and 2N527.
I've changed fuses and PSU filter caps, installed a panel on the back of the main board, with XLR mic inputs and phone jack unbalanced direct outputs, 48V, phase reverse and 20dB pads. I've traced enough of it to get the pinouts of the different modules and a little more info. Still any schematics or technical docs would be nice to have, if anyone has some. There is very little about girardin on the web...
It's a little noisy, of course, compared to today's standarts, but I love the sound of it. The channels and output modules are untouched for the moment, that probably explains the noise figure. Distortion on the inputs (plosives make a perfect example here) have a very distinctive sound that I have heard on records from the sixties (well, my point of reference is a french singer here, so I guess jean ferrat won't tell much to a lot of people). Of course, one doesn't have to distort anything, and there is no distortion if correctly used...
I have made some piano , guitar and voice recordings with it some months ago and have been very happy with them, and my backpanel worked ok, though having it in the back is kind of a PITA (but having it in front was a much more complicated task, and disfiguring the board was not an option).
The thing is, I haven't worked for two months now, I'm trying to stop working as a sound tech so I can become a real musician, so I have to work less and less until I don't work at all as a soundman, and be a starving musician. I'm already starving by the way.
The other thing is my girlfriend hates me for having this thing in the way for two years now, between a broken mellotron and a semi working hammond. She will hate me even more when she gets ****** christmas gifts.
I have used it, but not on a daily basis, as I also have other pres, and it's just a personnal studio.
Two years ago, I had imagined not to part with this beautyfull gear, and it would hurt me a little bit to separate the elements as it is such a state of the art console. Just look at those vumeters! Still I guess the time might come soon...
Do you think there would be some interest in this, maybe here on prodigy for separate modules or (that would maybe be preferable) for the whole thing?
How much would there be to be made here, moneywise (because yes, in the end, that's why i'm selling it...). I guess I would keep it if it was not enough, so...
Or maybe I should recap (not sure it's a good idea) the input modules, rack them with a psu, keep 4 for me and sell the rest?
Do you think somebody might be interested in it as a sidecar?
Or maybe I should just kill the auxilliary board and make two summing busses with it?
Or sell everything as spare parts (transformers, switches, VUs, inductors, faders, bakelite knobs...) (please don't choose this option)
What would you do?
What should I do? I'm at loss here.
arthur. (yeah, doubleroger is not my real name...)
EDIT: resizing pics