DR-412 Mic Pre build - need help with XFMRs

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I also had to remove the input transformer on channel 2, as there was a(t least one) bridge between the housing and the topside of the board. This was likely the cause of the whole shimmy sham, but it was good to get the jst headers off the bard and cleaned up. I’m now doing the bare wire install instead and feel more confident this way, albeit giving up the idea of quick-dismantling the preamp in the future.
I still think it’s easy enough to service.

Not quite done yet, but it’s safe to say I learned some valuable things along the way on this one.
I should have remembered the tips on Jeff’s (CAPI) site about mounting the 2622s; leaving a gap between the board and the housing of the transformer.
On remounting, I cut a piece of wide shrink tubing to sit below while the transformer got soldered in place.
Final recheck with the meter and all the connections are good!

Now to re-re-button this puppy up!
Finally done!
Thanks for all the help, folks.
I’m going to post one more when I have the sample recordings and a pdf hints guide for this mic pre, in case anyone else finds this helpful.
For now, here’s a few beauty shots . . .


And here's a quick and dirty recording of the 4 channels at work on the drum set.

Drum Sample MP3 (320 kbps)
Drum Sample WAV (24 bit, 48 kHz)

All channels set to mid gain, mid attenuation, no pad, no phase.
No compression, EQ, or any post adjustments made - just raw 24 bit 48 kHz.

Kick = Audix D6
Snare = Shure SM-57
Overheads = Earthworks TC-20 omni pair (phantom used, as they're condensers).

The snare was turned off until a few bars into the groove, just so you can hear different tones. You'll know when it gets flipped on (the snare wires on the drum itself, not the channel on the mic pre).

I have yet to fully test it out on other sources and do some real sessions with it, but so far I'm happy with its sound. I would like to add an LED on the front plate, as well as one on the PSU, just so I can see that it's powered up.

I used EA2622 and 2503 for the XFRs and assembled the 0252 OpAmps by CAPI. I have a ton of his OpAmps and love 'em! Will be fun swapping those in and out to hear differences.
The resistors are all Dale 1% .5 W - matched to as close as possible.
All caps are high temp, low ESR, long lasting types.
Switches were by Alpha, pots by Bournes via Hairball Audio.

Anyway, you can't go wrong with this little API-ish clone. Put good components in and it should rock.