R4 is 46.9K on both mics. All resistors test nearly the same on both mics.
Unfortunately I've packaged them up and am about to drop them off with UPS to be sent back to MP so I can't test this.
They do grade them, especially for this matched pair. However, it could be that somehow (even though I thought I went quickly) I damaged the JFET so that it's not working properly in Mic B.
They're connected the same way in Mic A and Mic B so I'm guessing that's not it ... and also something MP would have spotted before sending them to me.
If it's not the JFET, MP will be able to fix whatever it is and at the end of the day (or in a week or so) I should hopefully have a great matched pair of mics. I definitely feel defeated, but not wanting to drag this on for too long if it wasn't the JFET and becomes beyond what I'm capable of diagnosing. What I need is a good stereo pair of mics to record an album with.
Thank you all very much for chiming in and helping me check for the obvious things! Hopefully I'll hear back about what it was and if I do, I'll report that here for reference to help potentially someone in the future.