living sounds
Well-known member
My console (heavily modified 200B) still shows too much hum, even after upgrading part of the PSU, using bigger and better caps on the power rails everywhere, doing the grounding mod etc. Now my thinking is that the problem can be solved by just making sure the PSU delivers even cleaner DC. I've had success with simple diode bridge/RC filters before the PSU section on my GSSLs. The console's PSU should be capable of handling the current requirements (I've upgraded the op amps, but they're not power hungry types and don't consume more than the PSU can take).
Does this make sense? I don't see how I can do any more changes to the grounding inside the console. Or would just buying a better PSU be the way to go?
Does this make sense? I don't see how I can do any more changes to the grounding inside the console. Or would just buying a better PSU be the way to go?