gml opamps

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Well-known member
Jun 3, 2004
Rio, Brazil
It´s not cheap for an opamp, but I think those are the real things on the Sontec EQ. I cannot buy it now because I have got many auctions to pay already, but I would love to reverse one of those...

So, here it goes:
So, one of us are already bidding on it...

I was offered the schematics by another menber, and maybe I can redraw it, when I get the thing.
...if you all know how hard it will be to 1> find parts for any of these things, 2> identify the criteria to select the devices that must be selected, & 3> put up with me knowing that someone out there is using my designs without my permission?

fair question, don't you think?

George Massenburg
Hi George and welcome. Great to see you here.
Hope it is not a problem to study your designs as long as the projects are for our personal use and no money is made.

hmmm... just started my new diy project.... :grin: :grin:


so guys ... see you back in 2015 when I finished rev. eng. and fixed that damn buggy meter lights... :wink: :wink:


Many people love the sound of the old Sontecs, but unfortunately, Sontec production of new inventory and product support are essentially non-existant, or at least on life support now.

It would be great if GM would/could do something to either jumpstart Sontec so people could actually buy and maintain those designs, or, if that isn't possible, to help DIYers implement their own versions of these venerable pieces.

Lord Mercy!
Who next? Rupert?
This place is crazy with talent!
So George, err, how does that compressor work?
We are about 400 people here, pretty well hidden, I mean do a search on "The Lab" and you get ten million sites, which I like!
George, these guys just admire your work. From what I understand third hand of your opamps, I don't think I have the smarts or the patience to pull off a "copy" that would work. Interested as hell in anything that you can share that isn't giving away trade secrets, though.

[quote author="cjenrick"]Lord Mercy!
Who next? Rupert?
This place is crazy with talent!
So George, err, how does that compressor work?

yea, here is THE chance for you to ask for the compressor schematic Chris!:green:

oh and um also the shcematic for the mastering EQ AND THE ONE and ONLY THE OXFORD console EQ program, that's about it for now.....we'll ask for the massive passive AND the voxbox later! :shock: :grin:



next on the menu......Amek purepath....and the 9098 series..... :shock: and I'll just need a couple of hits on the pop chart
christmas will be good this year!~

[quote author="chrissugar"]Hi George and welcome. Great to see you here.
Hope it is not a problem to study your designs as long as the projects are for our personal use and no money is made.


You know, there's something about this idea that's provocative and imaginative. I'll help as much as I can, but we're because we're worried about making all of the secrets public (for what must be obvious reasons) we're not going to be able to say everything.

Well put Jaakko,

Welcome to The Lab George! I hope you have time to drop by and see what sort of thing happens here- it's a great bunch of people, who are all dedicated to the continuation of excellence in audio electronics and who have a healthy interest in historic designs. It's like an online university for audio engineering, and we discuss and assess all types of equipment design!


Mark wuz here! To tell it quite honestly I don't really care about acquiring schematics of gear. What I really want is a glimpse at the designer's thought process....why was a certain topology chosen, or why select a particular component. This sort of insight into the design process is far more valuable than any schematic. Mr. Massenburg, I hope you'll stick around and share with us the benefit of your sure would help those of us that are trying to come up with new designs.


Yea, Mr. M, it's an honour! Hope you find some time to hang out and to discuss some nice ideas people here use to have.

We can understand that you can't make your secrets public and it's no problem. As DrFrankencopter said we are interested more in the designer's philosophy and the choices in the design process.
I hope you will stay with us and maybe you will like the group. There are some other great guys here like Fred Forssell, Dan Kennedy, Bill Whitlock, John Hinson and others who opted to share their knowledge with us.
It would be a great honor to have you here.
