Here posting notes and conclusions from this other thread ( ~250kHz pings from neve 1073 type line output stage ) in a way that might be more easily findable by anyone looking for stuff relating to the Golden Age Pre-73 and its power supply...
This relates to the Mk1 version of the Pre-73, I don't know what may have changed in the later versions.
I didn't find one online so this is my tracing of the original PSU board circuit and some voltage measurements taken when the circuit was powered up and the PSU under normal load:

The ID's in brackets against various components are as found on the circuit board.
Possibly unclear in the sketch are the 24V and 48V power connectors on the right (CZ10 and CZ11). These have two pin connectors for connecting the power across to the main audio board, but at the audio board end only the +ve pin is connected. All the power supply ground connection is via the chassis. Hence the 'screen only' comments.
The topology of the grounding scheme is as drawn, with the 0v line at the end of both the 24V and 48V supplies connecting to chassis ground at bolt holes + additional strap wires. The 48V ground track extends to the input and output XLR sockets which are also mounted on the PSU board (there is also a TRS output socket I forgot to draw in, but it just piggy-backs on the XLR output).
This relates to the Mk1 version of the Pre-73, I don't know what may have changed in the later versions.
I didn't find one online so this is my tracing of the original PSU board circuit and some voltage measurements taken when the circuit was powered up and the PSU under normal load:

The ID's in brackets against various components are as found on the circuit board.
Possibly unclear in the sketch are the 24V and 48V power connectors on the right (CZ10 and CZ11). These have two pin connectors for connecting the power across to the main audio board, but at the audio board end only the +ve pin is connected. All the power supply ground connection is via the chassis. Hence the 'screen only' comments.
The topology of the grounding scheme is as drawn, with the 0v line at the end of both the 24V and 48V supplies connecting to chassis ground at bolt holes + additional strap wires. The 48V ground track extends to the input and output XLR sockets which are also mounted on the PSU board (there is also a TRS output socket I forgot to draw in, but it just piggy-backs on the XLR output).