Greetings from Seattle

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May 21, 2023
I'm a drummer and a diy hifi nerd. I really enjoy building amps/speakers/etc.

I've recently acquired a small mixer and a couple of microphones for my drum kit and only just discovered the realm of diy microphones.

My goal was discover how my drums really sound both from a tuning and performance perspective but my mind has been blown playing with microphones and realizing they are an instrument unto themselves.

I'm currently using a Behringer BA 19A for kick drum and an SM57 as an overhead plugged into a Yamaha MG10XU. I'd like to build a decent condenser mic for overhead use and move the SM57 to the snare drum.

I just purchased a ZRAMO condenser from amazon primarily as a donor body. I gave it a test drive yesterday as an overhead and was pleasantly surprised how much beefier the toms sounded, one of the results I'm after. However, the highs may not quite as smooth as I'd like.
Hello! I'm also from Seattle (I'm living most of the time in St Louis) - I do get back from time to time during the year. I've been geeking out on DIY microphones - have many plans, little funds for all I want to do (at least not all at once). I do have a new mic capsule I've yet to put into an old stock RODE NT1 to smooth out the highs, but I've been distracted with other projects.