Grounding issues( Periodic hum)

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Well-known member
Apr 13, 2010
Panama City Florida
Hey guys I have been having a static type hum coming out of my monitors. They are actually just house speakers hooked up to a crown type rack amplifier. I recently been getting a sort of hum that comes spontaneously for a couple of secs than goes away. Usually comes every 2-10 mins.

And if I put my ear up yo the speakers I hear a constant light static. Im not sure if this is a ground issue or a equipment issue. I have all my equipment on Furman power conditioners, and I have them into power strips. I also have a surge protector on my house's main electric box. I also instatlled a new ground rod.

I dont know what else to do to protect my equipment from damage and often worry about it because I go through light bulbs like crazy,have often power outages and seem to have things to go out on me.

So my questions are:

1. Is there anything else I can do to protect my equipment?

2. Is the noise Im having a ground issue and what can I do to get rid of it?

3. I was told for example on a tube mic I have that sometimes has static or hum( common issue with this mics PSU), to get a plug adapter that doesnt have the ground prong. But doesnt this put my equipment at risk if I take out the ground? I mean its there to protect it.

And finally
4. Aren't the Furman power conditioners supposed to have circuitry in it to remove noise and hum?

I don't know if this will help, because you already have power conditioners but whenever the air conditioning kicks on (weird just did it as I typed that) the lights dim ans static can be heard through my speakers. So......any neighbors using power saws? lol
good lucks
No I tried that. It still does it. It comes and goes and last for seconds. Would a 60hz hum be a constant thing?

Also My equipment is balanced so I should be getting any a/c bleed through the signal wires. BUt can you still get it from on the speaker wires?
It might be in your AC power wiring. A lost neutral or a bad connection anywhere out to the power company's transformer could cause that type of weirdness.  Heck, I know of a case where the problem was in the neighbors wiring (Missing ground and the return current was using his water pipe to get back to the grid).
Its weird I havent heard it all day today. But does a 60 hz hum something that can be sporatic or is it usually a constant thing?

And Do those hum suppressors work that look like a power conditioner strip?
    If you have ha ground loop or a 60hz hum problem, it would be a constant thing. The fact that your problem is only once in a while really  makes me believe the problem in't with any of your equipment, but with your power somewhere in the line...
Try recording a blank audio tack and see if it shows up in the audio signal. That will tell you if its just affecting your monitors or your whole system.
But don't do it on a day like yesterday! you'll be waiting all day...
Try to narrow it down - did you have neighbors that were gone yesterday? was the construction not going on yesterday?
It was Sunday - so a lot of equipment that is usually on was probably off. I don't know if you live in an apartment building or what. But maybe a different power conditioner/isolator is what you need.