groupDIY 500 series mechanical specifications

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As someone who made a 500 series module that was approved by API and their VPR alliance program, I can tell you they did not charge for it.
If one is designing a part that will have a finish applied to it then it is best to take the thickness of that finish into account (!).
As you can see this original 553 is 1.51" wide, I have yet to have a problem filling a console full of these!
I think a bit too much is being made of the width dimension, the spec is clear.
If you want to make it thinner, go for it. I can't see any problem reducing it by .02 (.01 each side) and that should accommodate 3rd party racks.
The VPR spec already defines all the important dimensional considerations for 500 series compatible modules.
I admire the 51x format, instead of claiming 500 compliance and doing all sorts of silly stuff that creates problems like many manufactures (who would never get VPR compliance), they created their own format and spec that introduced possibilities while being backwards compatible.


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[Who or what is EDli-Audio?] -- I believe it is time that you buy yourself a new computer keyboard!!!
What I need is a new pair of eyes. I have the beginnings of cataracts and no amount of tweaking of my prescription lenses seems to be of any help. It is particularly hard with similar looking letters like l and i when they are next to each other they merge into one.
Here is their website URL:
Thank you for the link.

You confused me when you wrote "Of course we at Eli-Audio instantly ordered a full kit including two 19"racks" which seemed to imply that you were part if Eli-Audio.


You confused me when you wrote "Of course we at Eli-Audio instantly ordered a full kit including two 19"racks" which seemed to imply that you were part if Eli-Audio.
Given the dramatic difference in writing style from his usual postings, I assumed he had found this text somewhere (written by someone else) and simply copied it in. Maybe he can confirm or correct me on that.
What I need is a new pair of eyes. I have the beginnings of cataracts

You confused me when you wrote "Of course we at Eli-Audio instantly ordered a full kit including two 19"racks" which seemed to imply that you were part if Eli-Audio.
[I have the beginnings of cataracts] -- OH!! MAN!!! -- I am so sincerely sorry to learn of this!!! My lady-friend had cataract surgery with both of her eyes around this time last year. Even after her eyes had healed and she recovered from the surgery, her resulting vision loss was such that she can no longer drive, so now I am responsible for taking care of all of her "running around town" errands. Like this to the pharmacy to pick-up her medications, then drive across town to pick-up her cat food, then drive down the highway a bit to pick-up her dinner and then drive back across town to her home to deliver everything to her. It can become a bit much to do.

[You confused me when you wrote "Of course we at Eli-Audio instantly ordered a full kit including two 19" racks] -- As @JMan has pointed out, all of that text that I had posted was merely a "Copy & Paste" from the -- Eli-Audio -- website. I had thought that that text would have been obviously apparent it wasn't from me and it was "Copied & Pasted" from their website. Grammatically, I would have never written anything like that in that fashion.

Given the dramatic difference in writing style from his usual postings, I assumed he had found this text somewhere (written by someone else) and simply copied it in. Maybe he can confirm or correct me on that.
[Given the dramatic difference in writing style from his usual postings] -- Dramatic??? NO!!! ..... Expressive??? -- YES!!!..... In my mind from my personal perspective, writing out these responses here on this forum without any manner or type of graphical text manipulation, to me is like speaking to someone in a monotone voice. Meaning, no inflections, no selective emphasis, no pitch changes, no cadence variations, no nothing. Just a continuous stream of words that are strung together in a long, boring and droning monotone manner. ho-hum.....bor-r-r-r-r-r-r-r-r-r-i-i-i-i-i-i-i-in-n-n-n-ng.....

In some other recent thread on here, I related a personal story of mine about how I had unknowingly received awards and such for the college yearbook I had published when I was the "College Yearbook Editor". I had received these awards -- BECAUSE -- of my writing style, as well as my rather "flamboyant and unique" artistic and creative style usage that I had also used for the page formats and layouts, photograph captions, headlines, etc., etc., etc. I am afraid of going into and repeating anything I have already written about any of this because there are those on this forum who find -- much glee -- in reporting my forum responses to "Abbey Road" and "JR".

So, if your interested in knowing.....dig it up yourself, OK??? -- OH!!!.....And, the reason why I wasn't aware of my winning any of these awards was because.....just a few short months after I had published our college yearbook and it was sent to some organization that rates college yearbooks from around-the-country.....I was sent off into the U.S. Army during the Vietnam War period. So.....I never knew what had happened afterwards.

Since I also get a slight indication that you're also not too keen with my writing style on here.....I'll just quit now.

@MidnightArrakis The way you condensate information is a bit anxiety-provoking i have to say.
[The way you condensate information is a bit anxiety-provoking i have to say] -- For the past couple of weeks or so, I have come across several news reports all stating that a high-percentage of the young adults of these days are suffering from either anxiety or with being anxiety-ridden. So, perhaps you either need some Prozac or to down some Quaaludes before attempting to read any of my responses here on this forum, huh???

In addition, if you believe that my written responses on this forum are -- anxiety-provoking --, then I am guessing that you will suffer a complete mental psychotic-breakdown, should you ever attempt to read any of my 30+ page-long "Technical Reports" that I need to occasionally write for some company!!! The amount of "graphical text" enhancements that I use, which also includes "indexed bulleted and numbered" sub-paragraphs, different fonts, italics, use of bold, indents and so much more!!! But, I do convey all of my highly-detailed technical information to the intended readership quite clearly and rather unambiguously!!!

If you are so easily -- anxiety-provoked -- by reading another persons written comments who uses bold typeface, quotation marks, dashes and capitalization in order to add emphasis and enhancements to make what is being written more clear and to the point, then.....I would strongly suggest that you -- DO NOT -- read any of my comments and/or responses. End of problem!!!

Based upon the below information, I an not sure what your point is:


[ kuhn-den-seyt, kon-duhn-seyt ]

Phonetic (Standard)

a product of condensation, as a liquid reduced from a gas or vapor.
[Given the dramatic difference in writing style from his usual postings] -- Dramatic??? NO!!! ..... Expressive??? -- YES!!!.....
Since I also get a slight indication that you're also not too keen with my writing style on here.....I'll just quit now.

I said "dramatic difference," meaning the difference itself is notable. Though I suppose it could be alternatively interpreted to mean a difference in the dramatic quality or style of the writing. I don't dislike your writing, although we differ substantially in our appreciation of subtlety.
Before this thread goes too far afield, have we landed on any new standards or at least caveats to add to the existing ones?

It seems to me that the 1.5" horizontal hole spacing is well established, so the standardization in that regard should be to the faceplate of the module. We've discussed tolerances, and I might suggest that it could be useful to say, for example, that a 0.5mm tolerance on either side be standard for powder coating and 0.25mm for anodized finishes. Again, those are example numbers, my actual suggestion here is that we create reasonable standards for this based on the expected weight of a given common finish.

Then of course there are the internal dimensions like mounting-hole-to-card-connector offset, etc. If we could pull together these sorts of dimensions, someone (like MidnightArrakis, who has the skill and seems very keen) could put together a template - perhaps CAD designs and fpd templates - that allowed folks creating a module to do so with less doubt, since the VPR Alliance specs seem to be assume that a designer will know which compensations to make, which is perhaps not a bulletproof approach in the world of DIY where levels of experience and expertise run a wider range.
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I agree with Niels that there is too much reading going on into this.

However, in the presence of two available references, I'd like to point out that here is a difference between API and Radial specifications of the module depth.

This is API


This is Radial


The difference is due to the fact that Radial module PCB sits 1.2mm behind the inside face of the module front panel (we call it faceplate).

Anyhow, here are the dimensions for the backplane position. I have rounded off the decimal points. I do not know any metal fabricator that offers tolerance better than 0.1mm.

[The way you condensate information is a bit anxiety-provoking i have to say] -- For the past couple of weeks or so, I have come across several news reports all stating that a high-percentage of the young adults of these days are suffering from either anxiety or with being anxiety-ridden. So, perhaps you either need some Prozac or to down some Quaaludes before attempting to read any of my responses here on this forum, huh???

In addition, if you believe that my written responses on this forum are -- anxiety-provoking --, then I am guessing that you will suffer a complete mental psychotic-breakdown, should you ever attempt to read any of my 30+ page-long "Technical Reports" that I need to occasionally write for some company!!! The amount of "graphical text" enhancements that I use, which also includes "indexed bulleted and numbered" sub-paragraphs, different fonts, italics, use of bold, indents and so much more!!! But, I do convey all of my highly-detailed technical information to the intended readership quite clearly and rather unambiguously!!!

If you are so easily -- anxiety-provoked -- by reading another persons written comments who uses bold typeface, quotation marks, dashes and capitalization in order to add emphasis and enhancements to make what is being written more clear and to the point, then.....I would strongly suggest that you -- DO NOT -- read any of my comments and/or responses. End of problem!!!

Based upon the below information, I an not sure what your point is:


[ kuhn-den-seyt, kon-duhn-seyt ]

Phonetic (Standard)

a product of condensation, as a liquid reduced from a gas or vapor.

:) I didn't mean to be negative, i'm sorry if what i said made you feel that way. I will continue to read you of course. In the context of forum threads sometimes you're tough to follow that's all i wanted to say.

I got diagnosed with bipolarity disorder last year.. lol

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