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Haha indeed! 

One question for you - was your unit working great before you tried to install the Turbo board?  I made sure the thing was working 100%, then wired up the Turbo - I didn't use a switch, as I don't care to have this specific one the old GSSL way, so I left that out.  The turbo wiring for me was a piece of cake, and the instructions were super clear.  The thing sounds cool!  Matching the resistors is definitely the way to go, although it took some time.

Any thoughts on using that 6th position distortion effect?  Any damage possible?


The people with the nice Purusha case need these toggle switches : for the bypass for the power

For answers of the bypass read this post :

Eventually I will post more thorough info regarding the GSSL. Just validating and analyzing new and older info if its good, and learning along the way as well (;D). I have quite some notes and pictures which are found within this thread. Just a summary is what I am planning.  ;)

Gyraf, you are a wizard. I can't believe I didnt try that.  Phase WAS out between Left and Right.

Compression is working fine now, just not getting the levels I want.  With my threshold ccw and a tone at 0db at the input I get about 7db reduction on the 10:1 ratio setting.

Which resistors do I need to play with to get the reduction where I want it? Threshold pot Leg? 47K resistors or the 127K*?  Thank you!!!! Such a relief, thanks Gyraf. I couldnt figure it out, I was taking the voltage readings off pin 3 on the sidechain VCA and panning to center would make almost all compression go away. I was puzzled, thanks!

feza said:

The people with the nice Purusha case need these toggle switches : for the bypass for the power

I bought the wrong one then instead LOL!

Anyone know the correct way to wire up the bypass toggle & LED for Purusha case? As the Gyraf Control PCB has a bypass pot instead of Purusha's sidechain.

I'm assuming that the sidechain is installed on a separate tag board? I've lost all my saved info from a PC crash a while back so don't remember exactly? Not even sure that i want a sidechain but I've got it on the front controls for it!!!!!!

Just going to do a quick powerup & check in a while

transcendental, the basics for that are in the Gyraf documentation.  I would draw out what a rotary switch would do and transpose that switching for a basic DPDT.
  ??? ??? WTF? ::)

Powered up but can only measure AC voltage on the PCB board, maybe the WO4 is faulty, I'm assuming that's a voltage rectifier of some kind, but only worked on tube amps before this so just guessing? Or perhaps the voltage regulators 7815 /7915 78L12/78L19 further on.

Can somone also confirm that the centre taps on the secondaries are connected togther to the centre of the 3 pin molex connector or have I got that wrong?

EDIT: Changed the W04 but still the same problem!


When powered up what are you measuring for voltages on the outside pins of the 3 pin molex you have?  Yes you should have the center taps together I believe.  I think you shoud have 18V and -18V or something on the outside pins. Maybe 15V and -15V.  0 in the middle.

Check that reading and check the voltage readings on the 3 pins of the 7815 and 7915.   The pin order on the 7815 and 7915 is different. 7915 I think is Ground / In / Out, and the 7815 is In/ Ground / Out.   Measure the output pin on each of those, and be careful not to short the pins together. You should have +15V on the 7815 and -15V dc on the 7915.

>>>Also, you have the rectifier in the corner right. Not in the other location near mid board?
I've got around 23.2VAC on both sides of the 15V (0 on the centre tap wires) on the board (after the 3 pin molex connection) from the PT secondaries, is this right, seems high, mains is 240VAC exactly. I've replaced the W04 as well.

Despite being told the correct way by the maker to wire the transformer it seems way too high powered!!!!

Can't remember where I got the UK BOM I used for this build from a while back, maybe this PT parts number is wrong?

This PT is rated @ 30VA 15V+15V 30VA!!!!!!!!!! FFS! I've got 2 of these useless bloody things now!

BOM above calls for a 25VA PT

Gyraf parts list 1pcs Toroid power transformer, 2x15V/10VA or more

Looks like I need a new bloody PT!!!!

I'm not sure about ur PT. I'm getting almost 18Vac on both outer molex pins I believe. I have a 120Vac main, but shouldnt matter. 

Measure your voltages on the pins of the 7815 and 7915. 

Measure DC: 
7915 should have 0,  -23.5Vdc,   -15.0Vdc.   
7815 should have 23.5Vdc,   0,   +15.0Vdc

The Power XFMR should be fine.  I think you are getting the rectified measurement before the Regulators.

15VAC x 1.414 = 21.21VDC

so considering +/- 10% for mains or transformer variation, that 23.2VDC number should be fine
geetar_king said:
Measure your voltages on the pins of the 7815 and 7915. 

Looks like at least one of these regulators is faulty if not both? ::)

Not got any spares so will have to try & pick some up later on.

I've got replacements for all the other parts around that area once I get the new regulators I'll take some readings.

Can't find any component parts around the wrong way or shorts so far ???


i've built 2 12afael / clintrubber sidechain boards.

i also got a turbo board, wich is not connected for the moment.

so i connected the two boards (ins & outs @ the 47K summings resistors on the gssl pcb), 1 for left, 1 for the right channel.

problem :
i got the output trimmer set fully clockwise (to get the highest output signal) & with the 47K engaged (i made this switchable) on the treshold pot (with treshold at -20 - ie 8 o'clock) , i compress but it's a really light treatment - far not enought for single instrument / drumbus.

question :
i'd like to know if there is any need to change the 20K resistor at the input and/or 47K resistor at the output on the sidechain card
because those cards were designed to received L+R at the input & not only one channel.
