I think I might have discovered the source of my distortion. After reading the data sheets from THAT corp, I decided to check for AC in my sidechain. I found AC on the CV inputs of the signal VCA's that was directly proportional to the distortion I was hearing. When set at low attack and release settings, the AC went up (from 5 to 10 mV) and the distortion went up. The AC was also higher for lower frequency sine wave inputs.
Of course, the AC throughout the side-chain was larger or smaller, depending on where I measured. I traced it all the way up to the TL074 opamp. I am getting:
0.0 VAC at "A"
0.96 VAC at "B"
0.022 VAC at "C"
0.015 VAC at "D"
I seem to remember reading in the Meta that the TL074 section here is a rectifier? I assume that I shouldn't be seeing any AC at point "C", or is 22mV considered insignificant? I'm still a newbie, and I dont fully understand what's happening in this section of the sidechain with the opamps and diodes. Any suggestions would be appreciated.