hello i made a thread regarding my build but been told better to post all here so here it goes!!
thanks in advance for any help.
1- first of all... all the wiring i think i get it now. i just want to know really what should i measure before i connect my jacks into my soundcard or my desk i dont want to blow anything !! like ... the power lines should be near 15 and 12 volts as i have read 10% tolerance is within measure.. but something else i should be aware of? i dont wanna burn my adaptors. and i am, as u can see, completely unexperienced.
i have another question and its regarding my design.. my power switch well nothing i can do bout it now. i drilled the holes in the left and then realized the power line from the transformer is going to go from far right (from transformer) to front left (power swithc) and back again to fuse( far right)... is this going to bring any noise??
actually i got other problem.. mouser sent the wrong vcas... 2180A instead of 2181A... i got a couple of 2181B spare i could use for the vca to try it out but is there anything i got do other than bend the leg 4 of that 2180A for it to work on my 2181A setup?..
well it looked all good in the forum seemed that only one leg had to be bended and all would be good ... i pluged the VCA`s.. cool nice colour leds working except bypass .. i thought might be i twisted polarity so i switch... suddenly it dont turn on... i think the fuse is gone so i get another one..
ok its on again.. checked polarity on the bypass switch led and its correct.. still not on.. i try passing some audio thru to see if by aaaaaany chance it would be mercyful.. it is kinda passing audio but its really distorted and every now and then a really loud thump appears.. maybe some broken vca or short somewhere?.. i really am in the dark here with measurments or troubleshooting.. i see the 2 leds working and looks like a big improvement from yesterday. and makes me think not all is lost!
any more info that i need to give u ill be here waiting for your replys thanks in advance!!
btw i just turned it off and tried to turn on again and wont ... its the same thing been happening... first time i got it fired up i turned it on and off a few times and .... then just started doing this
Im not sure whats wrong with it.. The fuses break when i turn the machine OFF weird... Only thing i could measure is iec connector and measured 16-17v in one leg and 117v on the other... My fuses were 1/4A 250v.
(just to b clear... For measuring voltages on pins and power lines i should place the black(com) on my multimiter on to the ground and the red one to the place i wanna measure?
EDIT: (i got .5A 250V fuses in the end... im not sure why it was blowing the fuses maybe the short)
Thanks a lot any help will b greatly apreciated.
well thanks to kevin for the quick reply and lot of help now we are up and running ! went for a bigger fuse just for testing and comp is passing audio!! yay
.5A 250V not sure if they are slo blo but its working!!

.. all switches are working or so it seems.. but few issues..
first .. pretty loud hum/ hiss / noise ..
(when its off its really noisy!! )
AAa while measuring i found a short somewhere
DAMN it sounds nice! i need to keep troubleshooting will post more while i go
- voltages measure -14.75
- also if i touch the frontplate or the switches it buzzes louder.. it doesnt when i touch anything else of the box... (not anymore.. only when shorted on the connector to the ctrl board)
thanks a lot !! everyone kevin dude thanks so much for your help it was a terrible day before those .5A fuses came along
wohoo adrenalin rush
-haha weird.. maybe this tells u something too it still passes audio while in OFF ???!! much lower than on bypass mode or compressing... but ... passes audio when its off..
weird and it still is noisy as hell!
any ideas on the noise issue?
i htink i found the problem.. or at least the one i was on about the header from gssl to ctrl board ... maybe some weirdness there.. it was very hard to connect to its other part.. and possibly broke something underneath. is there a way of fixing this kind of issues? it still works fine but if the noise could be coming from there it is a problem innit
the short makes also the power on LED to change its polarity if thats of any help... but just touching the board will swap it back and will be compressing.. touching the board again will make it really dodgy and no control works..
thanks in advance for any help.
1- first of all... all the wiring i think i get it now. i just want to know really what should i measure before i connect my jacks into my soundcard or my desk i dont want to blow anything !! like ... the power lines should be near 15 and 12 volts as i have read 10% tolerance is within measure.. but something else i should be aware of? i dont wanna burn my adaptors. and i am, as u can see, completely unexperienced.
i have another question and its regarding my design.. my power switch well nothing i can do bout it now. i drilled the holes in the left and then realized the power line from the transformer is going to go from far right (from transformer) to front left (power swithc) and back again to fuse( far right)... is this going to bring any noise??
actually i got other problem.. mouser sent the wrong vcas... 2180A instead of 2181A... i got a couple of 2181B spare i could use for the vca to try it out but is there anything i got do other than bend the leg 4 of that 2180A for it to work on my 2181A setup?..
well it looked all good in the forum seemed that only one leg had to be bended and all would be good ... i pluged the VCA`s.. cool nice colour leds working except bypass .. i thought might be i twisted polarity so i switch... suddenly it dont turn on... i think the fuse is gone so i get another one..
ok its on again.. checked polarity on the bypass switch led and its correct.. still not on.. i try passing some audio thru to see if by aaaaaany chance it would be mercyful.. it is kinda passing audio but its really distorted and every now and then a really loud thump appears.. maybe some broken vca or short somewhere?.. i really am in the dark here with measurments or troubleshooting.. i see the 2 leds working and looks like a big improvement from yesterday. and makes me think not all is lost!
any more info that i need to give u ill be here waiting for your replys thanks in advance!!
btw i just turned it off and tried to turn on again and wont ... its the same thing been happening... first time i got it fired up i turned it on and off a few times and .... then just started doing this
Im not sure whats wrong with it.. The fuses break when i turn the machine OFF weird... Only thing i could measure is iec connector and measured 16-17v in one leg and 117v on the other... My fuses were 1/4A 250v.
(just to b clear... For measuring voltages on pins and power lines i should place the black(com) on my multimiter on to the ground and the red one to the place i wanna measure?
EDIT: (i got .5A 250V fuses in the end... im not sure why it was blowing the fuses maybe the short)
Thanks a lot any help will b greatly apreciated.

well thanks to kevin for the quick reply and lot of help now we are up and running ! went for a bigger fuse just for testing and comp is passing audio!! yay
.5A 250V not sure if they are slo blo but its working!!
first .. pretty loud hum/ hiss / noise ..
(when its off its really noisy!! )
AAa while measuring i found a short somewhere
DAMN it sounds nice! i need to keep troubleshooting will post more while i go
- voltages measure -14.75
- also if i touch the frontplate or the switches it buzzes louder.. it doesnt when i touch anything else of the box... (not anymore.. only when shorted on the connector to the ctrl board)
thanks a lot !! everyone kevin dude thanks so much for your help it was a terrible day before those .5A fuses came along
wohoo adrenalin rush
-haha weird.. maybe this tells u something too it still passes audio while in OFF ???!! much lower than on bypass mode or compressing... but ... passes audio when its off..
weird and it still is noisy as hell!
i htink i found the problem.. or at least the one i was on about the header from gssl to ctrl board ... maybe some weirdness there.. it was very hard to connect to its other part.. and possibly broke something underneath. is there a way of fixing this kind of issues? it still works fine but if the noise could be coming from there it is a problem innit

the short makes also the power on LED to change its polarity if thats of any help... but just touching the board will swap it back and will be compressing.. touching the board again will make it really dodgy and no control works..