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stanmart said:
I am getting 12 at the pad next to F. I am also getting 12 at the power led. Just for testing sake. I tested the 6 resistors to the left of attack. Nothing there. I believe they are connected to D. But power could depend on which switch the attack is on im guessing? How much power should be at D connection?

Im using illuminated push button. What are some of the common problems? I swear i have this thing wired right. But i might be wrong. Any good links on the push buttons? Maybe that's my issue.

Thanks again.

I would rule out supply voltage problems at this point.

Either you have no signal going to the SC, or you are not engaging it correctly, so best bets for now would be to check if you missed the jumper on the alternative, main board SC connection, or check your bypass switch configuration.

I have checked the wiring on PUSH buttons. All seem to be correct. I did polarity checks on the wires and they are indeed live.

I am running side chain switch so my SC is not jumpered. Should i try taking out side chain?. The wiring is correct according to schematic. I checked continuity to the PCB pads and switch and all is good. Obviously i have to check from other side of cap. I got good signal though the unit just zero compression. I changed out all VCA and IC chips too. The orientation is correct. 

Also on the control board the threshold had a short in it on the board on the F trace from the middle wire. Was shorting to resistor above it. I directly soldered the grey wire of f coming from main pcb to middle pot. I read some others had this issue as well. Other than that no mods.

Here is the schematic im building from.



  • IMG_0556.JPG
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this is a pocket digital scope. Will this suffice? Its 90 bucks.
The chaining I see on the drawing you provided is the supply voltage for the switch LEDs and ground return only. The bypass/SC/Power are separated. (each switch does two things, makes the connection for the light in the switch on one half, and performs its task in the circuit on the other).

Drawing looks like it should work, expect the bypass only does "half" of what we would like it to do.

You seem confident that your problem is elsewhere, but if you put your unit on my bench, I would still look at the wiring for these switches before anything else.

i.e. If you mirrored the HPF connections, the signal fed to the SC will be looped in one side/cut in one setting, which would explain your problem.

Haven't tried the scope, but it probably does what it says. I payed less than 90 euros for my "real" bench scope used. You may have similar options locally.

I had compression at one time but no output. I was checking pins on vca with them out and crossed a pin. I smoked a 10ohm resistor on power side. Replaced that. Did not see any other visible damage but that does not mean something else maybe went. But supply voltage seems ok.

I also had a jumper missing next to to the 47k resistors next to Vca. I added this and got output. No output before.

I'm confused on why I have lost compression now. But those are the two things that changed since compression was lost. now it seems to always be in bypass.

I am stumped.
stanmart said:
I had compression at one time but no output. I was checking pins on vca with them out and crossed a pin. I smoked a 10ohm resistor on power side. Replaced that. Did not see any other visible damage but that does not mean something else maybe went. But supply voltage seems ok.

I also had a jumper missing next to to the 47k resistors next to Vca. I added this and got output. No output before.

I'm confused on why I have lost compression now. But those are the two things that changed since compression was lost. now it seems to always be in bypass.

I am stumped.

You mentioned 18VAC, so you are probably using a 2 x18V transformer, which is not a good idea, and could require you to at least up the wattage of the 10R resistors in the filter.

Maybe you could just try pushing the SC - see if it compresses. Just jumping it would make sense as well. Its really just a matter of eliminating variables. Jumping the HPF (1 to 3) would eliminate faulty SC switch wiring, for example.

Ok I'm gonna bypass sc and see if it changes.

And yes it's a 2 18v transformer.

I have 1/2 watts on the way for that. 1/4 watts have been holding but I'm going to change.

Only one side popped when it went. Other side still read ok out of circuit.
Question. If compression was enabled and not working should it not cut output?

I notice no change between bypass or in.
stanmart said:
Question. If compression was enabled and not working should it not cut output?

No signal reaching the side chain simply mean the side chain/detection circuit has nothing to tell it whats happening in the signal path, which means theres no "data" sent back to the VCAs in the signal path, which means you get no compression.

The SC being looped on one side in your switch configuration is possible if you mirrored it, which means its worth checking before considering other possibilities. If you did mirror the switch, it would pass signal through the side chain in one setting, but not he other, but jumping it with a wire on the board would take the switch completely out of the equation, leaving less variables to work with for trouble shooting.

More checking, less typing?

stanmart said:
I jumped the SC and still no compression. Passing sound but nothing on the compression side.

Got a few pictures of your build?

Forgot a jumper or components on the control board (maybe the mod you did did you in?) 

Double check the bypass switch?

Someone said I can jump wire from com to on. Just to rule out switch.

Jumpers are all there I'm pretty sure.. I will take picture of boards in just a bit and post.
ok i jumped on to com and bam i got compression. Sounds good i might add. Should i flip the bypass switch connections to other side? Not sure what i did wrong here. They seem to match up to whats in the instructions for this build.

I got no make up gain either. More wrong wiring?

Thanks again.
All my problems were due to improper bypass and side chain wiring on the button itself. I flipped everything like you said and its working amazing.

Only thing i did other than that was to jumper the makeup gain. It works full time but its working. I might try pulling that jumper off and see if it will bypass the makeup gain. It does not bother me being on all the time so i dunno i might leave it.

I feel like I gained a good bit of experience on this build. It was frustrating but mostly due to my lack of knowledge.  Now i feel like i could build this a lot easier if i had to do it again.

I will add also the compressor sounds great on the mix bus. Im chaining it last after my rupert neve MBP for a little warmth and extra glue. Im digging it. Well worth the hours put in!

Next project.

rrs said:

Just a quick one , I'm sure its answered somewhere in the previous 350 + pages.

Where can I find info on the  resistors marked % on the PCB.

Cant find info on this.

The parts marked % should be omitted when using pre-trimmed VCAs.


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