GSSL vs API 2500?

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Well-known member
Apr 6, 2009
Anyone have both or have used both and can compare it to a well built GSSL clone type?

There seems to be some excellent diy GSSL builds coming out and I am wondering whether to ditch the API for the GSSL??

Will be using it for Sub, Mix buss, Mixing and Tracking.
I haven't used the API, but I have compared the GSSL with an original SSL.
IMO there's no difference, although the GSSL has waaaaaay more options.

But you mentioned tracking...
The SSL busscompressor wouldn't be my choice for that purpose, but well, who am I.....
I've never used the API either, but I've had engineers that used to swear by the SSL buss comp prefer GSSL's I've built and my high speed SSL-ish comp over the original.  For the cost to build a GSSL, it's definately worth it and not something you'll regret.
I've used both, although not at the same studio, so never side by side.

They're substantially different sounding to my ear, and both are well worth having in the rack.

I'd really like to try a GSSL with Turbo mode though, haven't done that.
The grass is always greener, init. This is a matter of personal taste. One isn't "better" than the other. There are also many variables with the GSSL that make no two builds the same.

Build one. Experience building one. Learn.  If it suits your workflow better than your 2500, then sell your 2500.  Leave shootouts and comparisons to the gearschmuckz.
I've got both at hand here and they are completely different, soundwise.
The API starts cutting highs above 12k where the gssl is extremely clean. I feel the API is more meaty and thick because of that, it makes it really coloured. The gssl is straight and firm if that can make some sense.

In any case I would never consider them interchangeable, even if they are both really versatile.

There is a significant difference in budget but if you already have an API I'd say keep it until you try a GSSL.
Building a GSSL is not that expensive and you can make your decision once you try them both.
Hope I helped a bit.
I agree with biasrocks and j.frad.

Not even comparable. I love 2500 on drums and guitars, havent used the GSSL but the actual comp its based off is great on mix buss and a few other non buss related duties.