The reason the heaters are elevated in the slow blow preamp is that it uses a pair of SRPP stages. The top triode of each of these stages has its cathode at about half the HT supply voltage. Now, all tubes have a specification for the maximum voltage that is allowed between the heater and cathode known as Vhk. If the heaters in the SRPP were referenced to HT 0V, as on most normal designs, the the voltage between the cathode and heater of the top triodes would be about half the HT voltage. When the circuit passes signal, the cathode voltage goes up and down so the peak heater to cathode voltage is half the supply volts PLUS the peak signal level. If the slow blow is used with a step down output transformer then the signal voltage at the top cathode could easily reach 50V. I don't know what the slow blow HT voltage is but if it were 300V then the top cathodes could peak at 200V in normal operation.
The bottom line is that most tubes will not withstand a heater cathode voltage of 200V. A few have a Vhk spec of 200V but even then there is no margin in the design if the heaters are referenced to 0V. The solution is to elevate the heater voltage. It is typical for them to be elevated to around +75V or 80V above HT 0V. This gives an adequate margin for most tubes that will allow the heater to be 150V above the cathode. For some reason, the Vhk spec for heater voltage above the cathode tends to be lower, 100V being a typical figure. Elevating to 80V or so keeps comfortably within this limit.
There is some evidence to suggest that, even where the heaters are referenced to HT 0V, there is some improvement in reliability by elevating heaters. I think it was Crowthorne who wrote about this in one of his books many many moons ago. Also, where heaters are +ve with respect to cathodes, the heater/cathode looks like a reversed biased diode so heater hum is less likely to be injected into the cathode than if they were both referenced to 0V.