Help identifyting this ALPS fader

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Feb 22, 2012
I am repairing an old Pioneer DJM300 DJ mixer and the cross fader needs replacing but I can't seem to find this fader anywhere. I don't want to buy the Pioneer part soldered to the pcb as it's rediculously expensive.I just need the ALPS fader.

If anyone knows the part number or can identify it I would appreciate the info:


Thats what I'm thinking... I can't seem to find this on any site that sells ALPS faders.

I can get it from eBay Pioneer Fader but I always worry that they are fake parts...
do you have to put the exact same fader back in? looks to me like a 10K crossfader? well yeah it's for a dj mixer. Maybe hit up alps directly or better yet, put in an aftermarket crossfader that may work well.
Yes your right it is a 10k fader but it is soldered onto its own pcb and has a mounting bracket which gets screwed onto the main chassis.


The whole DJM series upto the DJM 800 uses the same type of fader but they are a rip off to replace with the official Pioneer part (don't get me started on Pioneers ludicrous parts cost)

Pioneer Replacement Crossfader

Maybe it's a custom made for Pioneer?