Aside from the C-E swap, I bet you mixed-up VT25 and VT26.
The VT25 Emitter (or some pin) is nailed to ground and should show Zero Volts.
One end of D13 goes to ground, (0.0V) yet you show 0.8V.
I can't make sense of this until you sort it out. (Well maybe I could but it would take a very long time to reverse-engineer the mix-ups.)
I _do_ like that you put voltages ON the plan. (Separate plan and volt-list gives me tennis-neck.)
I _do_ like that you gave the "good" voltages. This is often an excellent clue. However the "right" voltages are fairly obvious (after an initial head-scratch) so it might be clearer now with just the bad voltages (but for the right parts and pins).
Re-re-check D13 voltages.
Replace VT25 and VT26 with any jellybean transistors. Note that one is NPN and the other is PNP, and *get them right*-- right places, right pins in right holes.
> Diodes looks fine which is odd if you connected the supply backwards, D14 and D15 did suffered quite an abuse of almost half an amp
Easily explained. A backward Zener is a plain forward diode. Will drop 0.6V. Will heat-up like 0.6V*0.5A or 0.3 Watts. That won't cook. R77 took the brunt of the abuse. For now, we still have the 22.8V up there so it isn't burned-open, but I'd take a critical look and replace it for any sign of heat. It idles at 0.45W so it needs to be a 1W part, and 2W would be better.