Historical CJ hacksaw essays

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All Ears

Well-known member
Feb 18, 2013

Does anyone have the link to CJ's dissection of the API 2503 ?

I have also been having trouble finding the older classic CJ dissections...I can find more recent ones but some of the older don't come up via the search and some no longer have their pics loaded.

Are these old dissections dead or am I just looking in the wrong place ?

me and CJ are working on getting all those back online as well as a lot of other important stuff that has gone missing over the years.
If anyone has a bunch of backups of stuff like this please send me a message !


btw. this is what I have on the 2503's, probably something from CJ that I saved on my computer:

OK, wire is #29 ga, 0.011 - 0.012"" red enamel;, 286 turns, which is a turn shy of Mr. James Greenley's reverse job, so we are alright there.

About 80 ft per strand, 4 strands each, this was hand wound, very tight.

The bobbin is a tad smaller than the stock 625 EI bobbin I have here. Probably an european version.

DCR per 1000 ft works out to about 83 ohms, which resembles #29 on the wire chart.
Thanks man - yeah there almost needs to be a dedicated a GroupDIY "transformer forum" (this idea has been discussed elsewhere) with metas for all the dissections and past wisdoms - too much good research and info getting lost in cyberspace

Thanks for the wire details - I assume you mean 29 gauge is the size of each of the individual strands of the quad-filar, rather than the total gauge of all 4 twisted together...
Individual wires are 29 AWG yes, if you do the math that will get you around 90% fill on EI-625 which should be just about perfect.
You could even just wind the quadfilar wire on the core until it's filled up but I guess counting 286 turns is not that bad.

btw. Where are you getting the quadfilar wire?
These are classics of this forum and definitely need their own place in the META.
Thanks to anyone who does the work to get them organized.
yes, working on a site for all the transformer stuff and more,

there is a partial list of dissections in the Transformer Meta,

Yes indeed they are classics alright - this information is still pretty hard to obtain elsewhere and is a feature of GroupDIy dare i say - one would hope that those martyr trafo's didnt go to early graves for nothing....may their laminations 'Rust In Peace'

the skeletons of those dissections are still up there - the pics or charts won't load is all........

actually I don't have the quadfilar - i will be winding bifilar just using two individual strands of wire

i saw multifilar mentioned here - but someone said this shop is expensive - pre-made quadfilar ain't going to be cheap anywhere though I would guess:

All Ears said:
Yes indeed they are classics alright - this information is still pretty hard to obtain elsewhere and is a feature of GroupDIy dare i say - one would hope that those martyr trafo's didnt go to early graves for nothing....may their laminations 'Rust In Peace'

the skeletons of those dissections are still up there - the pics or charts won't load is all........

actually I don't have the quadfilar - i will be winding bifilar just using two individual strands of wire

i saw multifilar mentioned here - but someone said this shop is expensive - pre-made quadfilar ain't going to be cheap anywhere though I would guess:

MWS quoted me @ $1.45USD/ft  :'(