Hook Up Wire (1176 D Hairball)

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Well-known member
Nov 1, 2011
Hey People!

This is my first post on here (so go easy!) although inevitably I envisage I will be making a whole lot more in the future as I've just received all my parts for my Hairball Rev D 76 and am far too excited about getting stuck in to putting the beauty together!

Before I do though,I have a question for all you seasoned UK project guys...

Where's the best place to buy decent quality tinned hook up wire of various gauges online that has quick UK delivery?Also is there any particular brands etc that anyone could recommend to me?

I've always kind of used whatever's knocking around before but with this project I want to turn over a new leaf and use quality (yet not overly expensive) components and I believe the quality of wire is integral to achieving a high quality unit that is most importantly built to last.

Any help would be much appreciated.

Thanks in advance guys.

Im not in the UK, but i just finished up my revD last month.  I tried to stick to the wiring guide and have the right colored wires (basically every color in the spectrum)  I got my wire from Mouser.com. They have 100' spools of every color, and the price isnt TOO bad.  (mouser has a UK site)  Got almost all my parts from them as well.  What they didnt have digikey had.
How did it go?I've been reading a bit on here and it seems that a lot of people are having problems with the calibration..how did you find it?More importantly is the baby sounding good?!I'm sure it is!I'm looking to kind of tailor it to the flavour I want as I've used many 1176's through the years in various studios in London and generally find that the D's are most usefull for me,particularly the presence lift in the mids.If I can just get this to be a little 'thicker' in the low mids then that would be puuuuyfec' for me!

I also got my parts from Mouser but I'm really looking to get a nice tinned quality wire with nice thick strands that maybe someone can recommend?

Any find that having to fill out the verification q's every time you post a little annoying?!!
I think those go away after youve been here a while.

As far as the calibration goes, the only "issue" i ran into was when one of the trimmers maxed out JUST shy of the desired level (im talking .1 off) so i really didnt let it bother me. The only other thing i notice and from what im told the fets are REALLY temperature sensitive and the unit really does have to warm up to hit its peak performance.

As far as how it sounds? Well, all im gonna say is im REALLY upset I didnt make this my first build. My build sounds better than the old UREI i used to use at the studio in NYC. And when put up against a UA reissue... Cant tell the difference except for the hiss that comes from the UA version. The mnats revD you gotta CRANK to get that hiss, otherwise, its all squishy goodness (especially when you slam it in all button mode) total destruction!

Are you doing the rotary switch or the pushbuttons?

Also, i think the longest cable run in the box is like 40cm or so... But i do reccomend getting a good assortment of colors, it gets confusing in there pretty quick.
Thats pretty standard with any FET's though isn't it....I remember there was one particular 76 original BlueStripe that would sound completly different 3-4hours after being fired up than to an hour in..for the better I might add!

Couldn't you just drop the value of the resistior before the trimmer by just a tiny fraction so that you get a slightly hotter signal that you could then trim within range?0.1 is miniscule though....but I'm the kind of person who would have sleepless nights over that kinda thing!!

I could order wire from mouser although they just carry far too many options and it's hard to choose without actually physically inspecting the wire and also I would prefer to buy from someone in the UK.
Anyone know anything about Alphawire?This kit looks kind of interesting...wire looks pretty good quality.

I've obviously been slightly presumptious/naive by thinking that people on this board were endearing friendly folk who are happy to drop a few pearls of wisdom on us less experienced guys.

After 217 views and no replies this obviously doesn't appear to be the case!
Hi Wolfman

I know how frustrating those "no replies" can be

I'm in UK and while I havent built a 1176 yet - I have built lots of other gear - incl GSSL and 2 G Pultecs as well as few DI boxes.  PLus lots of valve amps.

I had the same problem and in the end reverted to using wire from Maplins and ebay suppliers. For stranded hook up that is. The Maplins stuff is pretty good tbh.
Unless your looking for solid core as well - in which case I havent yet found a good , reasonably priced UK source for anything but the really thin stuff which tends to break too easily.

Hope you find what you need.
The Alpha wire kit should work just fine Wolfman!

I am lucky enough to have a friend who is an assembler and they cut of 20 foot sections of 24 conductor cable from some transducer or something to install it. I just strip off the cover and have 24 colors of wire....

I don't know how much multiconductor cable costs. But if ya bought like 20 feet you would have A huge supply of lots of different color wire.

And steer away from solid core. It can break. Use stranded wire and tin the end with a bit of solder.

Thanks guys...it does appear that the Lab is alive and not just full of gear junky zombies then!

Choppingout multiconductor cable is a good idea.

With regards to the maplin hook up wire,I was a little cautious of going for that although it would be the easiest because it looks like the actual strands are very thin and I'd prefer something with slightly more substiantial strands...but yer definetly not single core,that would be a nightmare!

Think I might go with the Alphawire unless anyone can recommended anything else.

How's your G Pultecs sounding?I think a stereo EQP1-A is definetly on the cards in the future.Also curious about your D.I boxes as im contemplating building in a D.I input to the 1176 as I love the sound of a good D.I such as Radial going into a 1176 and thought it might be cool to have it all in one box.

I'm going to attempt to document my build as well for the benefit of others.

the G Pultecs are very good - I did 2 for stereo treatments.

as for DI just do a search for Bo Hansen DI - its a simple to make , and really good DI

Which cables for internal wiring the 1176 hairball kit?
could you guys give me a mouser link?
I know, I know - this thread is old, but people still find it.  I did!

I have used this for lots of hookups where SHIELDED is needed:

Canare L-2B2AT 2 Conductor Audio Cable

The cheapest place to buy it that i have found:
I always recommend taking some stranded cat5 and stripping out the wires... Nice and tiny w/eight colors and practically free! Plus I've ended up collecting various spools of colored hookup wire over the last period of time.

Most hookup wires don't need to be that large (I don't think) unless they are carrying significant current/voltage (ie; dissipating power as heat) and the smaller ones are much easier to loom and work with in a tight build.
