How close can I come to a Digi002 for LESS $?

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I had thought Mackie bought Soundscape and practically slaughtered it. Did someone buy it back? Soundscape has had a bunch of loyalists for years, but doesn't seem to have really broken out in a big way. Always wondered what that was about. Maybe that PT is good at marketing themselves as the only solution for an integrated platform of hardware and software.

Mackie bought them and basically ran em dry...
Then digged them. Soundscape is bought back by the original owners Sydec, who still support and believe in Soundscape BIGTIME.

Marketing is the only reason you don't hear more about them, as it is the reason that PT developped as "industry standard".


I hear you, but the example i tried to give was among seasoned pro's on PT and Soundscape, having equal knowledge of their platforms...
I do most of the time the same jobs as you do (drums, bass, gtrbands) but as soon as you're WITHOUT clicktrack PT looses in copy-paste edits etc...
Also, you always have to watchout for clicks entering your audio with PT when copy-pasting, where the intelligent way Soundscape handles this makes it almost impossible to get clicks happening. I have spend a lot of time on PT and Soundscape and sorry to say for all those heavy invested in PT, i wouldn't use it for tracking or editing even if i got it for free (not insultive meaning!). Ad to this to the strategie from PT where every few year you can drop some heavy cash and i don't feel any sympathy for them... my studio makes money every day btw.

I hope this doesn't come across too harsh as i really don't want it to sound PTbashing all the way. I'm just a very happy Soundscaper and feel a bit disappointed that my fav DAW isn't known by more people in the field. Hopefully posts like this can convince more people to, at least, go to the website and read something about Soundscape (yes, shameless plug :grin: )


No probs Tony.

good PT bashing is needed
There was an outo fade ... then there wasn't ... then there was ...
in an out of silence seems to work buy with regions butted, it clicks
The Beat detective clean feature isn't good enough in my opinion.

Simple things needed to be fixed and added all the way back at PT3 to PT4 !

... Ad to this to the strategie from PT where ...
Avid have only made matters worse
It would have been better if Digidesign had bought Avid instead of the other way around.

Soundscape is not the only contender and I think that Digidesign need to remember that it was the ease of use and engineering that made is popular with professionals to begin with. Features and marketing made it popular with everyone BUT if the engineering begins to drop in favour of hype and features we don't need then it could all change over-night.
PT's midi on the same window as the audio is important to me but it needs more midi tools. For the heavy midi user it is too lightweight

Also I do try to follow the Linux stuff and keep up with were they are at.
As much as I don't like change, it is always inevitable and it can happen overnight.
The LAB was born overnight and the users moved on mass.
MicroSoft and Digidesign need to be aware that anything is possible.

Soundscape is the way to go!!!
I'm using 2 SSHDR1+ systems,they're 12 years old-vintage digital almost-
Bought them 3 years ago and actually have not had a crash yet!!!
You can probably get the same system now for about $500 per unit for a well maintained system!!!
Great editing capabilities-I usually have my feet up and the coffee on while I watch my studio partner flounder on his PT rig

Why not just pick up the product that works for you and learn it well? I
used Cubase for many years, I actually BOUGHT the software and continued
with upgrades to SX1 and then moved across to Pro Tools which I now love,
sure I miss a few features in Cubase, but I'm now making music in Pro Tools
and love it.

I had a 001 with 6.4 and upgraded to a 002R about 2 weeks ago (Kev, it
totally rocks!) the sonic difference in AD/DA on the 002R is much better on
the 002R, my definition of 'much better' is being able to AB and audibly
hearing a distinct difference for the better ;-)

I def. recommend the Adaptec Firewire card which uses a TI chipset and is
rock solid. I also got nervous of the whole PCI versus Firewire debacle but
Firewire is here to stay and I had to jump on if I want to stay current and
a bunch of factors made me upgrade to the 002R Factory (One of which were
the extra plugins).

But back to my first paragaph, find a DAW that works for you, whatever that
may be and stick with it! Don't let others put you off and say your system
is inferior or not 'cutting edge' enough because your hardware or software
doesn't support sample rates that are overkill in most workable situations.
Make music...

All the best with finding your system.


Don't screw around just get Protools and specifically the 002, unless you like recording with a slap back echo (then get 001). People that don't recommend Protools are generally people who never owned it and just got comfortable with something else. It's the easiest software there is to use and a thousand times more support, plus the others could be gone tomorrow. Get the rack version, faders are a big waste of money IMO, you don't need them.

made a couple of hundred albums on both platforms...
Alsihad (aka PT) and Soundscape that is :green:

soundscape eats it for breaky, period

Just for once, don't believe the f$$cking hype dude :twisted:

Rock on :cool:

[quote author="rich"] just get Protools and specifically the 002......
and a thousand times more support....
faders are a big waste of money IMO, you don't need them.

Sorry to come again, WHAT support???
You obviously never had any support to get from Digi :green: :green:
Waste of money?????
Well i know what that is. Every 3 years another total hardware changeover, that's a waste of money :green:
Get real :cool:

this topic is getting even better than this guy's performance:

Love, Peace, Knowledge,

Hey Guys,
I've used PT for many years now, and havent found anybody that edit as fast as me on it. I never had to sit and wait for edit. Never had problems with fades, autofades, latency, plug ins and what not. It all depends on the work flow. It all start on the recording process. If you tracking session sucks, then you are using the software to fix problems and when that happens, regardless of the software, it will take for ever. I see a lot of people today sacrificing good recording for "fixing it later in PT or someother software". What about spending a little more time in the studio making it sound right and fixing only what is innevitable?.
I also don't think it matters what software package you use, as long as you are getting the job done and it sounds good.. good for you. On the other hand, every major studio and the great majority of the industry is using PT, so why stay behind. It is unfortunate, but nobody can say it is a bad software..
my 2 cents..

[quote author="tony dB"]

Sorry to come again, WHAT support???
You obviously never had any support to get from Digi :green: :green:
Waste of money?????
Well i know what that is. Every 3 years another total hardware changeover, that's a waste of money :green:
Get real :cool:


I've been using mix plus now for 6 years now never upgraded never needed to. The software is constantly being improved at very low cost, and digi has been great to me, plus everybody and thier brother knows the software and sytems inside and out, unlike these obscure little companies. All I have to do is call "one of my" buddies down the street for help. It's the universal platform!
i'm used to upgrades for free and instant support :wink:

All that at a fraction of the cost of what the industry standard would have been.
I'm still able to import and export in ALL the competitions formats, you too?

lovely, this ptbashing innit?
Don't take it too serious Rich, I'm only teasing.
There's been a million posts about pt or this or that... What helps you to get the job done counts.
It's just that i wanted to offer an alternative to something considered the only solution, what obviously it isn't. Nothing more.

Hey Dr L.
If you are looking at alternatives, you might want to check out the Presonus FirePod. 8 mic pres, midi and about $575...
it is probably the cheapest, decent sounding units out there.
I have a 001 with a Digimax 8 channel adat in. The quality is high end Studio.

I can have 16 simultaneous ins and outs if necessary, not many paltforms support that!

With the fxpansion vst to rtas adapter I have plugins coming out of my ears all completely free. eg. SIR Impulse reverb which even craps on Trueverb etc then there all the VST Synths(probably about 50 of them) and its all Free!!

I've seen 001's go for $350 USD on Evilbay. If I were starting out this is the best and cheapest platform to start with and you can take songs to a bigger studio to mix because you won't have compatibility issues either.

There are better platforms, but it depends what your actual needs are. Logic is good for synth guys, Nuendo sounds amazing its true but Protools will put you in the way above average category with plenty of options.
Dr. L

I could not resist.
I am dead serious on the below.
Do not get a PT system.
If you do throw it away. Smash it with a hammer so it will not reproduce.

This is not my opinion it is many people's.
PT is the worst sounding device ever made by man.
Do yourself a favor and stay away from it.
Yes I know Kev likes it and it may be the defacto
standard but we have a flawed standard.

Get something else that sounds good.

I have over 5 systems of 16 track Emu Ensoniq Paris
and will have 48 real tracks in my studio running in the next 2 months.
Paris is an older system. No surround and only 44.1 and 48Khz at 24 bit.
If you can live with and older obsolete system you should be able to pick it
up cheap. It is in the same league as the Radar system which also sounds good.

Please use your ears!

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