how do you drop ac voltage

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Well-known member
Jun 4, 2008

i have a high secondary winding that needs to be droped about 200vac , cand this be done at the secondary before rectification, or should it be done after  rectification.

primary 240vac uk


Do you need 200v at the secondary, or do you want to drop 200v?

What's the current draw?

It's difficult to drop 200V resistively unless you're looking at a very low constant current draw (due to I^2*R losses!) And a regulator has to "lose" the voltage through heat dissipation (again, proportional to I drawn)

A new transformer is easiest if you're looking at dropping 200v.

...or, use a 240V:"x"V second transformer fed from this secondary winding, taking into account the lower input voltage to its primary, or a second transformer directly off the mains supply.

What are you trying to do? It'd be useful to know the context- too many variables!!



Using the capacitative reactance trick is good- (using the impedance of the capacitor as a resistance, worked out at a particular spot
frequency- Xc= 1/2*pi*f*c)but you have to protect against the inrush spike at switch on- also as you mention, load is particularly important, and current available is low.

I use this method to power the LEDs straight off the mains in my homebrew solder station...

Wouldn't trust it much further though!!


Yes if the application was mentioned it would have been helpful. But if you have a transformer that you want to utilise, then take the windings off the secondary by checking every so often until it is down to the voltage that you require.
And be sure that you're not measuring an unloaded voltage while comparing it to a loaded spec.

Not that that - by itself - would soon account for 200V, but still.

[and yeah, it helps to know what you're trying to do]
It's for his PM670.
Skal you said that you "dropped" the transformer, would had to have been a pretty hard drop to
damage it .... what happened ?

If the voltage is that far off, it would seem to be damaged though.

I used an "in-line" with secondary resistor on my D_AOC to drop 50v using a 25watt 1k1 metal resistor
but that can't be done with such a high voltage drop of 200.

That was due to the German traffo wanting to see 220v AC from the wall and I have around 247v at my place.
I wanted 250v on the secondary and had 300v.

MartyMart said:
It's for his PM670.
Skal you said that you "dropped" the transformer, would had to have been a pretty hard drop to
damage it .... what happened ?

If the voltage is that far off, it would seem to be damaged though.

I used an "in-line" with secondary resistor on my D_AOC to drop 50v using a 25watt 1k1 metal resistor
but that can't be done with such a high voltage drop of 200.

That was due to the German traffo wanting to see 220v AC from the wall and I have around 247v at my place.
I wanted 250v on the secondary and had 300v.


yes it is the PM670 tx  i was  just thinking i could drop the secondary ac , but from the answers i am getting it seem impossible , so that tx is shoot, will ave to wait till after xmas to find a replacement .

what do you think made the 250vac winding go so high .

Let's try this one last time.

skal1 said:
what do you think made the 250vac winding go so high.

Measure it with a load.

If you measure it unloaded, and compare it to loaded measurements, the numbers you get will be meaningless. This is particularly true for a CRC-filtered supply such as used in the PM670.

[It's very hard to imagine a failure mode where a dropped transformer suddenly gives a higher output voltage, unless as said you've rewired the primaries]
ok my friends secondary 250vac tap is 350vac all other taps are ok , with the 250vac connected to the pm psu voltage after rectifier is near 500v dc mark.

transformer was OK until i drop the psu which shorted out all the transistors on the 250, 130 volt supply, i then replace all transistors diode to the psu and now i can not get the 250v 130v supply to work  all other supply's are working fine 17v and the -17v.

I  think because there is  500vdc at the m** 92 and  irf840 this  is putting the transistors in to thermal protect that is way the circuit loads down when i connect the tube boards, this what i think but i might be wrong.



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