how to clear out to local pub/bar

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i like playing an ENTIRE Opeth album at about 1am at this preppy bar I go to every now and again.  It tends to weed out the more obnoxious people.

What's really impressive is that they have multiple entire Opeth albums on the jukebox.
A true jem - and there I was trying to scare people with Barry Manilow.

Another tip, despite their later success as an uber 90's supergroup, early INXS videos (like 1979 -1983) are possibly the most cheesy and awful film clips you will ever cast your eyes upon.  Should the pub have such clips on a video juke box, I highly recommend these as an effective form of crowd control.

LOL!  I can imagine how well that would work  :)

Back in the days when that Jets song was actually popular, I did the same thing, clearing out a bar by repeatedly playing this song:

I'm not sure that 1974 version would clear out a bar these days (even if you could find it on a jukebox anymore).  However, I know the Nickelback cover of it would clear ME out of a place.
pucho812 said:
couldn't get a seat or table for some friends and myself. It was over crowded with lil hipstirs who think they are too cool for school.  so I cleared the joint in minutes by putting this song on the jukebox and repeated it a few times.

got so bad that even the busboys were scrambling to put in something else. ;D

is it you and your mates in the video?  ;D
I tried to give it a chance and I could hear a big hook coming on that would save it...  But it never happened!  Just one never ending verse.  ???  I bet it was written on the elevator up to the studio or on the cab ride.
pucho812 said:
couldn't get a seat or table for some friends and myself. It was over crowded with lil hipstirs who think they are too cool for school.  so I cleared the joint in minutes by putting this song on the jukebox and repeated it a few times.

got so bad that even the busboys were scrambling to put in something else. ;D

OMG, I just realized what song that was and sadly had to listen to it again for a laugh! 

That song was requested by the bride for the first dance at a wedding we played decades ago.  After the wedding party joined in on the dance floor halfway in, the couple vanished for a while.  They eventually returned and we heard later there was a knockdown drag-out first marital argument in the parking lot over that choice of song.  Apparently the song was a surprise to him and the couple was engaged on the rebound.  Listen to they lyrics if you dare endure it--apparently he didn't appreciate her bringing up "the ex" that much.

We learned it just for that gig and thankfully never  played it again. We joked about it being rather sentimentally backhanded.  :)

All of the above would work on me.    Perhaps i could counterstrike with this..

This is a fav of mine when i'm half-cut and can't take the cheesy crap anymore.
Surprising how many new network jukeboxes have it.
Best thing is no really notices till the chorus kicks in. muhhhaaa.
Tom Waits whenever possible.  Partially to bump up the play stats for that juke, partially because the only people who remain are almost certainly going to be interesting.