I guess I could be considered New Old Stock. (Hello everyone!)

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Dec 18, 2023
United States
My name is Greg, and I'm not a bot. Can't prove it, but that's my story and I'm sticking to it.

I'm new to Group DIY, but I've been interested in electronics and audio / recording since the late '80s. I started doing semi-productive (amateur) stuff in the early '90s, mostly sound for picture as I was involved with a fledgling motion picture company at the time. I've done a little bit of work for hire, mostly live sound and a little recording, but I'm really just working on my own recordings these days. I have practically no budget but I scrape together a bit at a time and I try to make the most of it, buying "for parts / not working" gear that I genuinely want and trying to bring it back to life. So far, so good... mostly.

I used to work on an analog (Soundtracs Topaz) desk with a very small handful of outboard units, with my Mackie HDR 24/96. I still love tracking to that Mackie, but through outboard converters (Lucid 8824s) these days. I have given up on analog mixing, simply because I can't afford enough of the outboard stuffs. I'm enjoying Harrison Mixbus 32C and have recently started using an Icon control surface that makes a lot of things faster and more intuitive. That Harrison DAW is great, especially since I've been in a Linux environment for over a decade.

I'm hoping to learn a lot from you all, and maybe I can find a way to contribute a bit in return.