Inductance / LCR meter recommendations?

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Well-known member
Jun 4, 2004
York, UK

I've been winding a few of my own coils recently, and am getting to the point where I could use a better way of measuring the inductance.

Currently, I have a multimeter which reads inductance, but only measures at one frequency. I would prefer something that measures at 1KHz as well as 100Hz.
I'm reluctant to buy an unknown thing from those hong kong sellers on ebay.

This one looks nice but pricey...
And it also takes up a lot of desk real-estate!

My other (budget) thought was to go old school and buy an old LCR bridge off ebay, but I think I'd be worried about the calibration after all this time, and many only measure at one frequency.

I guess I could modify an old bridge and drive it with a signal generator to get variable frequency. I quite like that idea.

Anyway, I'd be grateful for any thoughts and experiences.


Hi Stewart!

Have you considered soundcard/computer based solutions?
or Arta software :
(look for AP2 note)

Both allows you to make measurements at any audio frequency. Just need to build a simple interface box.

I have been planning to try those myself for ages!

Extech LCR 380193 is a nice handheld meter with range that covers most audio.  Has 2 test frequencies at 120Hz and 1K.  Around $200USD.

Will measure AC impedance too which is very handy.
Hi Stewart,

Are you planning on buying new are  are you open to used?  The Sencore LC102 seems to be something of a standard and completed ebay auctions show that they go for between $500 and $700.  I recently picked up a Sencore LC53 at a yard sale for $20!

Another question - are you measuring just for you own satisfaction or do you want to be able to offer inductors for sale at some point?  If the latter then you may need a more hi end machine (but you also may be able to offset the costs).

Oh and let me know if you start winding inductors, I've got a project for you!

Thanks for all the suggestions - looks like there are more options than I originally thought.

Axel said:
Have you considered soundcard/computer based solutions?

I hadn't thought about a computer based thing - my workshop computer is a mac but I guess I could run windows on it - I'll look into that.

Ruairi said:
re you measuring just for you own satisfaction or do you want to be able to offer inductors for sale at some point?

A bit of both really - I've acquired a rather nice winder and I do anticipate making some for customers - so I need good, accurate measurements.

It doesn't need to be new - I'd be happy with used-but-well made. I've never regretted buying good tools and equipment, so don't mind spending what it takes to get it right.

I have an old GenRad 1650A and HP 4274A. While I use the GenRad very rarely, there is no single day I wouldn't get to the HP4274A at least a few times. It has everything you'd ever need for any precision inductance measurements (IIRC, starting from nano Henry) on fixed frequencies between 100Hz and 100KHz. You can also apply bias for gapped transformers. It measures impedance (you'd really love it if you work with ribbons!) and shows phase shift angle. It also measures capacitors from some pf up to some Farads, shows ESR and has many other goodies. Mine does not work well with DCR, but for that I have HP 3457A, which is another beast...

Best, M

P.S. Check shipping rates for the 4274A--it is not exactly light piece of equipment, by any stretch  :eek:. The only bigger and heavier piece I have (before we are going into machinery) is Bruel&Kjaer 2032 analyzer.
Hi Mark

Thanks for the HP recommendation - I'll check it out. The bias sounds like a useful feature - I've seen it on the old AVO bridges.

I built a DIY impedance bridge for my ribbons - simply runs with a signal generator and decade box, but very effective.  ;) . Also I have a TTI micro-ohmeter for DCR, which was a great investment.
Hi Stewart,
I need a good LCR meter too and planning to buy this one:
Besides LCR, it measures D and Q parameters.
The price is about 200$ and seller (actually, it's manufacturer) sells from 1 piece.
Good luck.
I bought one from "mibinstruments" on eBay, 30USD or so including shipping, works fine!
I picked up on of these hong-kong LCR on ebay.  Although I think I paid $350 delivered.  A bit smaller than the HP units, but seems to be accurate enough for the coils I've been working with.  It has a large number of frequencies and a set of clips as well.
There is this one....  but it doesn't test at 100Hz.  :(